Saturday, September 2, 2023

MonTiGo ReSorTs DaY 1 - 1 SepT

 Blogging live from batam montigo resort! Will be here 3d2n. Today 2nd day liao! 

Started off with a ferry ride from tanah merah ferry terminal.. 

Quite chaotic on the ferry, cuz seats are not assigned. If u are the later few, then be prepared to get separated. Hubb & raythorous found seats first. Rayous and i almost had no seat, till the crew assisted us. Duh

Finally reached batam! 

On the resort bus to the resort! 


Room's not ready yet. So went to the restaurant and makan 1st.

And then our room! Actually it's an apartment, 3 storeys, with many rooms and toilets! Haha. Can accommodate quite big group really. 

Even got a private room for massage! 

Our private pool. The boys are super happy! 

And in room dining for dinner! 

After that nua in the room.... And waited for the presidential result. 

I actually had no intention to wait, cuz still a couple of hours to go.. 

Who knows, batam is 1hr behind sg. So actually, 1hr less to wait liao. Haha

 So tu tu tu until the sample results are out.... And then also waited till actual results are out. 

Erm. Ok. As expected. 


Just din know that the sample results can be so accurate.

Ok, another day here, before back home tmr.

Boys and hubb are out in the pool again. 


Good, i can also suntan abit. 

Long long long time no tan liao. 

Super nua


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