Monday, October 23, 2023

KL DaY 1 - 12 OcT 2023


2nd time travelling with colleagues to overseas!! 

 First time was to JB via cars somewhere in 2019 b4 covid, and i did not stay overnight. 

This time to KL! And stayed 3D2N!

Company planned land transport for us... And all the while, i was ok with land transport, till kenna psychoed by my collegues to take air transport. 

So have to pay air tix from own pocket lor. Duh. 

Our 1st meal there. Wanted to eat some famous claypot rice de, but it was closed that day. So ended up at this foodcourt, which i visited exact 10yrs back!!! Woah, really thankful for this blog which recorded so many things down!! 

After dinner and walked around for awhile, i went back to the hotel for rehearsal liao. Yea, i was part of the organising committee for the gala dinner which was on the next day, and i was also one of the emcee for the dinner =) 

Ya so.... 能者多劳lor. People can R&R liao. But i still gotta 'work' in a way. 

After the rehearsal which ended around 10pm, finally caught up with the rest and had durians. Haha 

And then finally back to room to rest for the night. 

We were all paired to share a room, unless u top up urself to a single room. But there was an odd one out, so 1 person will get to enjoy the room all to herself without having to top up. 

And i was that person, as part of the perks for being a committee member and taking the important role of an emcee.


Think really was the 1st time i slept in a hotel room all by myself. 

And i din sleep well really. 

The aircon like on and off by itself periodically, and ya, i just did not sleep well. 

But still grateful to have a room all by myself la. 

No need to share. 


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