Saturday, December 23, 2023

JB KSL DaY 1 - 23 DeC 23

 Blogging live from JB KSL resort! 

Hohoho, here to celeb the xmas wkend!! 

Woke up super early hoping to avoid the jam. Left hse at around 5.30am, but alas.... Still kenna stuck for 3.5hrs!!!

Finally reached and had our super late bf/early lunch. 

Then checked in to our resort which comes w a private pool! The boys were superrr happy! 

Unlike montigo which really is resort feel, this one feels more like an apartment. Just like air bnb... Big unit with 2 bedrooms, 2 washrooms, living room and kitchen. 

After swimming, slept for awhile, and out for dinner! 

Things here really v affordable!! 

V happy ah! 

Bought so many things lor. Handphone cover, charger, color contact lenses, 有的没有的etc.....


Happy sha lala!

Long long time never come jb shop liao. There was a period of time when we came in quite often. B4 we got married that was. 

 April 2007, May 2007, Aug2009April 2010, March 2011 just to name a few..... 

Then rayous came along and the last time we came jb shld be in 2016...

Cuz after that raythorous came along, and we no longer come liao. 

Happy to be here again!

And.... Can foresee we will come in v often again!


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