Friday, March 24, 2023



End of March liao!!! The 回顾and展望had been super delayed. Kekeke.

Ok. 回顾2022

1) rayous started formal education liao!! Milestone!!

2) bye bye helpers. Finally bade farewell to helpers once and for all. Thank god. 

3) did wisdom tooth extraction. Ouch. 

4) tio covid. Uh oh 

5) resumed wio. Wtf. Why? 

6) resumed my gym membership!!! Yayyyyy!! 

7) 3 staycays!! Parkroyal pickering, Jen Hotel at Orchard, and Jen Hotel at Tanglin. One on each of our bday. Haha. 

8) travelled! Cruise, genting, and korea!!! Finally!

9) got promoted at work. Wheee! 

10) oh, and didi started at a new childcare centre. Hehe. 

Oh yea.

So 2023.... Although almost 1 quarter has passed liao.. I should still write my 展望。。

Ok la, all i wish is to stay healthy and happy. 

Unlikely got any big movement or action.

Travel plans - bangkok in june, cfmed. And maybe another destination in Dec?

Staycay - already did 1 at furama city centre. Next one at siloso beach resort, cfmed.

Then hope to continue my gym regime.... And stop gaining weight pls. Sigh. The more i gym, the more i gain weight. What the?!! 


May 2023 be a good good year ok!! 

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