Thursday, June 13, 2013

MaLDiVeS DaY 3 - 17/5/2013

day 3 of the trip!

after breakfast, i went sun-tanning while hubb went back to sleep.

and then, it was lunch time! haha

can see the tan? lol.

after lunch, we went on an(other) island trip

gotta take boat ride to this island named Guraidhoo - an inhabited island in the south of Male, Maldives

there we reached! this is not a resort island. it really is an island where the maldivian live in.

typical 'chairs' which they sit on. interesting huh.

these are also 'chairs'

look at these paintings on the wall!

incredible right?!

the roads

yes, the 'real' maldives where the locals live in, is totally different from what i initially thought. so, it's not always sun, sand and sea. get real!

this was inside a school compound

they sit for GCE O'Levels as well!! 141 days to go! woohoo!

the classroom

and the classroom for the kiddos

the tour provided us the chance to peek into how the locals living are. of cuz, we cant experience much from that few hours, but at least, we now know how the streets of a typical maldive island are like.

there are also a number of souvenir shops on the island. the crap thing is, there is no price tag on all items. how they work is, u choose what you want, then the staff will quote you the prices. and then you can bargain on the price and negotiate till both sides are happy.

in my view, that is pure 'docking' of tourists. they can quote whatever prices they like, and it's really up to u how much and how far you want to bargain. and i bet, they will look at the nationality before they decide how much they want to quote. pure crap!

on the way back.

and then dinner time!

the rooms are cleaned up twice in a day, once in the morning, and once at night. nice gesture by the resort. seriously, they could have just provided house-keeping once a day, like what most hotels worldwide are doing.

on the 1st 2 days, there are really no asian at all. all those tourists whom we saw are all angmohs. think it was only day 3 when we started to spot a few asian. and day 4, we bumped into a group of singaporean when we went on the sunset fishing trip. hahaha.
他乡遇故知. stay tuned for day 4 on the fishing trip :)

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