Sunday, June 23, 2013


met up with jc mates for buffet dinner at beach road parkroyal.

my buffet must-have - oysters and sashimies :)

yes! oh-wah-jian! this really is the 1st hotel buffet which i went to that serves fried oysters..

crab fiesta! yes, currently they are having this crab fiesta thingie... butter crab, chilli crab, nonya crab.. etc etc..

and, roasted meat~

the food and spread are both okay. but sashimies abit limited, cuz only have salmon and octupus. desserts also kidda limited. nothing much to go with the choco fondue except for marshmellows and honeydew.

and bee is expecting her 2nd bb! will be due in dec this year! hahahahah. congrats congrats! 


glad that the haze situation got better over the weekend. the day it went up to PSI 400 was no joke. it was sooo bad, that we could literally see nothing when looking out of the office windows.. it really was scary...

heard certain part of msia had experienced PSI 700!!! gosh.. incred...

drink more water peeps. stay healthy!

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