Sunday, June 9, 2013

MaLDiVes Day 2 - 16/5/2013

day 2 of our trip. started off with buffet every morning, which generally is more or less the same for all morning.

the swing outside our room

trying to fix a hammock up...

testing... testing..not easy tying a wasnt really secured... so in the end, we just left it hanging on the tree and did not use it. lol

our resort room

then, we tried out snorkeling..

saw many beautiful fishes....

and then lunch time!

and photo-taking session after that

then snack time. as our 3 meals were provided by the resort, this was the 1st meal that we paid. the food wasnt as expensive as what we thought. hehehe.

but this ice-cream really cannot make it lehhh.. sooo super smallllll scoops lahhh.

and then more photoshoots...


and then, we went back to nap. and at the end of it, we were soooooo tired, that we gave the dinner a missed and slept throughout. there is a dinner theme which is different for every night and the one we missed was the oriental night. boohoo. guess we were exhuasted from the snorkeling.

and by day 2, we were already down with sun-burnt. mine was mainly on the back, while hubb had it for the whole body. hohoho.

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