Sunday, March 13, 2011

JB AgaiN

sat was spent in jb again. this time round, we drove in. big jam, but more convenient and hassle free. juz stay in the car, no need to walk nor stand nor q..

i realised the goods in city sq are no longer that cheap. i mentioned before that the goods there seemingly have the same absolute value as our goods here, but cuz our currency is 2x 'bigger', effectively the goods are half price of ours.

for eg, a pair of shoes cost sgd20 here. over there, it costs rm20. so, effectively, though the absolute value is the same, it is cheaper. but i realised now, the shoes will cost rm40! meaning to say, it's the same pricing now!!!!!

booohhoooo!! no more good shopping in city sq.. :(

anyway, we ate our dinner in seoul garden. rm27++ per pax. still cheaper than sg.

ever tried frying rice on steamboat????

1st u put in the rice....

then break an egg...

stir.. fry...stir.. fry...

add in the shrimps + ham...

almost there...

tada! it can work!! not too bad right!

authentic korean noodle? heh.

also tried out this taiwan beancurd stall. think it's a new stall..

chocolate beancurd. yummmmmm. abt sgd3. not cheap huh.

sunday was spent totally at home.. nice. i always believe the greatest thing on earth is to be able to sleep when u want to sleep. :)

back to work again tmr. jiayou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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