Thursday, October 5, 2023

Took one day leave today to participate as a parent volunteer in Rayous's school childrens day party! 

Dressing up as mascots for the photo booth!! 

Took so many photos today with the children! Haha

Already wanted to participate last yr, but forgot why i did not. 

Anyways, there were a few other events in the past which i already wanted to participate, but never did, cuz need to take leave..... 

But today finally did lo! 


Ya! Leaves are v precious these days! Haha. 

And i did not tell the boy that i will be coming. I just kept telling him to remb to take photos at the photo booth. Lucky he did visit the photo booth. Else wasted my effort. 


And even got a chance to stand on the stage. 

Was contemplating whether to take full day or just half day, and go back work after the event. 

Lucky took full day lor, cuz we stayed behind to watch the rest of the concert, and yes, very tired after that ah!!


So fun la! 

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