Yea, day 2 of our KL trip!
Bf time!
And then team bonding session! 
Not bad, very fun, enjoyed it.
And then after team bonding session ended, we got to get ready for the gala dinner liao.
Engaged MUAs to help us makeup and hairdo. Haha
Honestly not v satisfied with the makeup and hairdo lor. Went back to my room and touched up abit myself.
But on hindsight, it did look quite natural on the photos la.
And really proud of this gown xia. Cheap and good!!! In fact, i bought a few outfit, this really is the best liao.
With the cute live band singer cum keyboardist. Lol
Enjoyed the gala dinner alot, though din get to eat much, cuz was bz with the emcee role. Haha.
But also cuz of my emcee role, I got to hala hala alot with the people... So yup, v fun.
And....... As much as i hoped i could hold my liquour well, i merlioned lor!
Now i know why people will get drunk liao.
当下is dont know one... Then u keep drinking and drinking, thinking u r ok.
It's after that, when the alcohol gets into ur bloodstream, then u'll start to get the effects... But by then, already too late.
O well, i wasnt drunk drunk per se la, still quite clear and could make conversation. But i definitely could not walk straight already.
Felt better after merlioning. And could still made it to the twin towers to take pics!
Heng got nice colleagues around who took really good care of me.
And again lucky to have a room by myself.
No need to care about others, just do it my way.