Saturday, February 29, 2020

Leap Day 2020

it's leap day again!

refer here for 2008, 2012 and 2016 leap days! 


how time passed right??! 

the period from 2016 to 2020 is definitely less tumultuous than the period from 2012 to 2016. less changes took place b/w these 4yrs vs the previous 4yrs. 

well, some of the major things that took place from 2016 to 2020 include 

1) raythorous entering our life. but being a 2nd time mom, things are definitely more chill than being the 1st time mom. haha

2) shifting of house. yes, our small achievement. 

3) going on regular gym. my personal achievement. woot! 

4) at work, im still where im. honestly, what have i been doing??! too comfortable and stuck liao?? the climate at work now is definitely better than before, with the removal of the many evil people back then. actually, i've been quite happy these recent yrs at work, until... recently..... starting to have doubts again. im doing the same old thing for all these yrs... like.... no progression at all.... well, not necessarily a bad thing... but....i dont know. like moving nowhere at all... haii... 很sian..but又不知道可以怎么样

5) well, i guess the biggest change in these 4yrs, is that i became an employer! yes. MAIDS! never had them before, until 2017 when didi was almost due for delivery. yes. this maid thing was a nightmare. it definitely has not been smooth-sailing and honestly, if i have a choice, i hope i never had to employ them at all. grrr. 

yep, so that's abt all the major things that took place these 4yrs. 

the next leap day in 2024, i'll be 39yrs old liao! 

woohoo, lucky 40 还有得找. hahahhahaahhaha.

and the leap day today, we went out to celebrate! haha. for the past few weekends, we havent really been going out due to the covid thingie. 

went for a haircut together. LOL

and dinner at jurong point swensens.

yep. till the next leap day! 



have moved on to another employer, bringing home much bigger paycheck and garnering more respect at work
have another child 
still fit and pretty and happy.


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