Saturday, May 19, 2018

told her to cut brocolli and was expecting the end pdt to look like this..

but in the end, the end pdt looks like this... 

one whole brocolli, 就这样给她糟塌了.

lucky is brocolli, not some other expensive ingredients... 

tell me la... cut one vegetable also can cut wrongly..... like that how?????? how to trust these pple to do the right things? i really dont know how some pple can safely entrust their children in their care.

the worse worse form of communication is when u tot u have explained clearly, and the person receiving the instruction tot she has understand clearly, but in the end, there are still differences in the expected outcome and the actual outcome. 

really reallly realllllly very siannnnnnnnn. 

骂她, 又怕她bitter, 怕她做得不开心, in the end give me more problems. 不骂她, 自己又中内伤. 和她解释, 又不懂她到底明不明白。她说她明白, 可是做出来的还是错。

we are really going in circles... 没完没了...


why am i spending money to have someone making me upset and giving me problems?? 

if i have to monitor and stand side by side to guide her in everything she does, then might as well i do it myself right???? if i can only ask her to do the routine stuff and any adhoc stuff, i better do them myself, then, what for i still want her???

really scare of asking her to do things now. later do wrongly, make myself angry only. dont even feel like talking to her or looking at her now.. gosh, isint this exactly the same state that i had w the previous one??? why is the relationship turning unhealthy again???

is it my expectations too high??  or i just dont know how to communicate with them????


whyyyy??? whyyyyyy???? whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??????????


just watched the live royal wedding... 


she's really one lucky person. 


and yesterday, rayous vomitted on both of his beloved bao bao (ie pillows). so, i made him threw both away, just like how he threw his pacifier away (and yes, w that, he had successfully weaned off his pacifier! yes!!!)

in the past, he will always ask for his pacifier and bao bao when in distress. and when we go out, we will have to remember to bring these items, else, it will be difficult to pacify him. after he threw his pacifier away, he only asked for the baos baos. 

now good, nothing else that he will ask for liao! no more (over)reliance on any of such items! 


good job! 

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