Wednesday, May 16, 2018

in barely 2 months, the boys are sick again!!

i think it started with rayous coughing. just came back from school and suddenly got a cough. no prior signs at all. then he sort of recovered within 1-2days, but continued to have runny nose. then didi kenna the runny nose and then cough. and then rayous kenna fever, and then didi also kenna fever. 

this is OMG x 1000000000000000

why why why is it sooooooooooo frequent?????????

didnt they say that breast-milk fed babies are stronger with better immunity????! 

then why????

looking back at my past posts, it seems like they will fall sick once every 2months. really! 

ok, so perhaps, breastmilk did help afterall. cuz the pedi was saying it's normal for kids who go to school to fall sick as often as once a month ma. but now, rayous falls sick only once every two months. so, he's already faring better than the norm, and that probably has to give credit to the breast-milk, yea??

yah. what consolation. 

i really dont know how to break these cycles. i guess nothing, except to let them grow up and immunity builds on its own. according to the pedis, that will be around age 5. 


or should i just withdraw rayous from school??? everyday have to force him out of bed, also very cruel.... 

it probably will help to make him fall sick less, but the other developments leh? and no way MIL can cope with 2 kiddos at home whole day. 


really not so nice to be always on urgent leaves. lucky my immediate colleagues and superior all have children, so hopefully, they can understand and emphathise better. 

oh, and hubb also kenna the flu and cough this time. and the helper also. ok, again, the 小人 me suspect it could be the helper who started it all! but, i guess not la. looks like maybe it's really not the helpers' fault at all, cuz changed helper liao, but the frequency of falling sick is still as high. ha. 

and the most amazing thing was....... i am unscathed this time round! at least so far! ok la, i also got a bit of blocked nose, but not as bad as the past when i will develop into bad cough. 

i would like to credit that to the vitamins that ive been taking. hoho! looks like taking supplements really will help to boost abit. 

ok. good luck. 

bet i'll be writing and complaining abt the same thing in july. 

trust me. 

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