Monday, May 14, 2018

13 May 2018
today is the day. 

the day when i feel i dont have to pump at all! 


yes, im still pumping as at this very mmt that im writing this. literally. but really is pump for the sake of pumping only lor. actually dont pump also can de, no hardness, no soreness. 

looks like, it's time to stop totally liao.

i guess in life, one really dont have to worry too much. remember how desperate i was back then, that i had to resort to buying the milk-boosting supplement - fenugreek? and that time when didi was about 5months old, i was already all prepared to supplement with formula liao, cuz really not supplying enough. who knows.... i actually managed to bridge thru 6mths and even beyond 1yr! 

actually i only started him on formula about a few weeks b4 the tw trip. and lucky, he was ok with the milk powder. all the while, i pump 3x a day - morning, lunch and night. then during tw trip, i pumped 2x - morning and night. and after back from the tw trip, the supply dropped and i only eventually pumped once a day - during lunch time (and the volume is really quite pathetic liao.. maybe only about 3-4oz in total...)

now.... at least for today... 好像totally dont pump also can liao wor. 


continued on 14 May 2018..

having to pump is honestly a chore and really time consuming (i cannot tell u how troublesome it is, only mothers who have went thru it will know!!). 3x 40mins = 2hrs ok! 2 hrs each day spent just on pumping ok! lucky have the hands-free bra, so still can pump while doing other things, else, literally sit there do nothing except to hold the pumps! OMG!


the 2 hours saved can now be much better spent elsewhere liao! morning can sleep later, night can sleep earlier, and lunch time got more flexibility liao! 



oh.. and i heard from dont know where.. that pro-longed breast-feeding is actually not good to the mother, cuz it takes away the nutrients of the mother. well. perhaps true to an extent... breastmilk.... 妈妈的精华..

ok, still got quite a few packets of frozen milk in the freezer. shall slowly let him finish all (concurrent with the formula). and that's it liao. can keep my pumps and accessories till the next baby liao! 



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