Sunday, June 9, 2024

ShangHai TriP DaY 6 - 6June2024

Day 6! 


Some more picture takings

And checked out of our room in hangzhou

Waiting at the lounge for bullet train back to shanghai 

Literally fell asleep. Too tired. Haha

And back to shanghai liao! 

Pigging out at hotel lounge. 

Before heading out to 上海滩! 

And there are many many many mannnny photographers here. Roaming freelance de.... Or those with shops de.. Once they see u taking wefie, they will come approach you liao. 

We took with 3 different photographers, believe it or not. Lol

The product of the first photographer... Some random roaming photographer... Rmb20 for all soft copies.. About sgd4 nia, why not

So cant expect too much lor. Basically paying him to help us take pics only, with many pple still in the background. 


红烧肉,麻婆豆腐.. Yummmm 

And then desserts at the convenience shop. Haha

And then back to the bund

Work of the 2nd photographer, which was from a stall.

End product - pic will be hot pressed onto a wooden frame, something that the roaming photographers will not provide. Roaming de can only give softcopies. 

Tada! Rmb50. 

And the work of the 3rd photographer. Another roaming photographer, but the wife works as his assistant who will help to 打灯, so i guess thats why the color came out richer? Slightly more exp than the first roaming photographer. This one charged us rmb10 for each chosen pic if i remb correctly. 

And of cuz, the work by hubb. Wahahhahahaha. 

Really many many pple.. And it was cold at night lor. The weather was definitely not as hot as we had expected. 

Very beautiful night scene. 360deg de. One side is all the skyscapers, the other side is all the colonial buildings. 

Yup, 上海滩,真的不是盖de.

Really worth visiting. 

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