Wednesday, June 12, 2024

ShangHai DaY 7 - 7June2024

 Day 7 of our trip! Also the last full day liao.


And then to the shopping mall just opposite to our hotel. 

This was the view of the mall from our room. So soo soooooo big mall lor. 


Really very big mall.... With all the atas brands inside... 走不完的.. Honestly, after seeing their mall, i think i got nothing proud of our malls liao. 

Yup, nothing much to buy inside the atas mall, so we decided to take the train, to the bund again.

Very complicated lines.. Ha

Their train system, also nothing to complain. But the cabins like narrower than ours. 

And i insisted to drop by this 人民广场, inspired by the song - 在人民广场吃炸鸡. Hahahaha

Actual 人民广场就没找到,but 误打误撞came to an amusement park. Duhhh

Initially tot it was a forsaken park cuz looked old and nobody de... But, it was an operating park wor! 

We even 大胆到sat on the mini roller coaster lor. Omg. In an old park in china... Uhhhh

Yup, within this 人民公园. 

So, initially our plan was to take train to the bund right? But at this 人民广场station, hubb saw the directory signboard to 南京步行街... And that triggered him that this 南京步行街 is a must go too! 

And so we went! 

And yes, finally one decent shopping place!! Many many many shops! 

The street was sooo long that there were mini trains to fetch you from one end to the other, @ rmb10 for each pax. 

Late lunch at a restaurant. 

Xiao long baos! 


And the big 汤包. Yummmm

And then desserts along the street. 

And then dinner at this food court like place. 

Stuffed chicken wings and 臭豆腐 and BBT. 

And long meat-skewers

Nice place to go with many souvenir shops. I like this place leh. And many many mannnny pple. 

Also did spray paint tattoos here. The vendor said can last 3mths and wont come off... But bluff!!! Already fading off when back in hotel. Duhhhh! What made him think that we won't go back and 找他算账huh?? Bluff till so kua zhang.. Kaoz. 

The other side of the street will be the bund liao. So went there to take one last look, b4 returning to hotel liao. 

Yup, so that was our last full day in shanghai. 

Lucky still got this 南京步行街, managed to buy all the souvenirs and stuff.


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