Thursday, June 15, 2023

BangKok DaY 3 - 12 JunE 2023

 Day 3 of our bkk trip

Bf at the hotel. This time sit indoor liao

Really a large variety of food to choose from!

Then back to our room for some photo takings before checking out

This hotel is like 80 over floors? So got to change lifts at certain floor to get to the higher floors. And half the time, i dont know which floor im at or where to change lifts. Duh.

But it does offer very nice view. 

And some of the decks are observation decks which i think public also get to access, perhaps with an entrance fee or what.

So it can be very crowded and difficult to get into the lifts.... We tried waiting for 3lifts to go, before we finally managed to get into 1. Then got to change lifts here and there.... So quite irritating i feel. And v crowded......... Mmm

Yup, after that had lunch at the restaurant, before checking out. 

And into our 2nd hotel - shangri-la, which also offers very nice view 

Pigging out at the lounge first

And then a ferry ride to iconsiam! 

Reached! This iconsiam was highly recommended by my colleague 

Quite an interesting place i must say. The basement is like a market place, selling all sorts of food and stuff...

Many many mannnny things to eat here

Crocodile meat..... Woah.. 

And then the top floors is just like a posh shopping mall.. Got all the luxury brands etc.. 

And then, the hi light of the day.... River cruise dinner! 

Yea, buffet dinner while cruising! What an experience, really. 

Enjoy the night scenary, breeze, food, and performance. Haha

Yea, throughout got live singing, and towards the end, got live performances, and then everyone will start to get high and dance around. 

First time experiencing this xia. Not bad. Quite fun really. Just chill. 

Quite popular in bangkok i think, there were so many of such cruises on the river that night.

Moving restaurant and then towards the end became a moving disco. 

Not bad really, lol

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