Saturday, April 8, 2023

MoViE TiMe

The boys' 1st time visit to the cinema!!!! 

Other than those at the USS, they have never been to a proper cinema before! 

Ok, not bad, they enjoyed! Was still quite worried abt this raythorous being scared of the darkness and loudness... But he ok leh.. Haha

Watched the Mario brothers. Quite aptly cuz they have been playing the game on the nintendo switch. So when i saw that this movie is coming, i quickly told hubb that i wanna bring them to watch liao. 

And saw trailers of transformers and the little mermaid coming soon too! 

So coincidental that i just read the little mermaid book to them. 


And...... When did movie tickets became so exp huh????? 1 ticket $15.50????!

Last time only $8.50 or $9.50???

4 of us for 1 movie $60 bucks liao.... 

And with the popcorns, hotdogs and what's not.... Easily $100 gone. 


Think go library better la. 


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