Sunday, April 2, 2023

LiBraRy VisiT

Always been wanting to make library visiting a part of our routine.... But never did.. 

Then last wed, raythorous's school brought them to the library, and from then, this raythorous has been super enthu in jioing us to the library.

Sat night we went, but alas, closed liao! 

So sunday we went again. 

And then, chanced upon this free 3d pen workshop and we gave it a try. Lol

 Not bad leh, quite therapeutic!

So u have to insert a special kind of material into the pens, then the pens will melt the material and u can use the material to color. The material will then solidify to form a solid picture. 

Spent almost an hour here. 

And the end products. Tada! 

Yea, quite fun, free somemore. Got other workshops also. Next time can join again. 

Very fruitful wkends these days. 


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