Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Wedding Nails

mani and pedi have never been my cup of tea. to me, it's a pure waste of money as i always have the impression that the polish will come off easily. then i was told to do gelish as that will last longer, but i will just nahhh, forget it. i just cannot understand y pple can spend so much on mani pedi... and i had colleagues who can even go for mani pedi session during lunch time.. duh. 

so, my 1st mani pedi session was for the wedding photoshoot. enquired at a few shops and the pricing were really high! those with 3d designs can go as high as $15 per finger! and that's not counting the basic manicure session which can cost up to $80+ if i remb correctly. so, simple calculations will mean a sum of $200+ to get the nails done!! ahhhh! 

and then mum suggested the nail shop at safra mount faber. the price was ok, so i went ahead.

and that's the design i had... taken from a sample template at the shop.. and it's one of the cheapest design.. 

honestly, the experience wasnt that good. cuz the shop was a little small, then the owner who is also the manicurist, is a vietnamese chinese. and that day, she had a partner with her, who started eating inside the shop. and then they were conversing in vietnamese language. so.. the ambience really wasnt that good loh. i felt like i was stuck in some small sleazy vietnam shop.. 

and the worse thing was, after the session, i thought my feets felt itchy. urgh... 

and the design turned out to be a bit orh-piang... with the red color, silver lining.. and the flowers...and i thought she kidda overcharged me. my nails werent big and long, especially my feet nails... so dont understand y still so ex. (ok, i cant remb how much liao, but it was quite ex i remb) 

and then, by right, the removal should also be done professionally. but instead of having it professionally removed, i just allowed them to drop off on their own. and it was really a terrible process. when the nails grow out, the new nails will be thinner than the painted nails. so, the painted areas will start to peel. so, eventually, the whole painted part will drop off. and the nails that grow out after that were really brittle and chipped off easily. it took quite a while, before they became strong again.

anyway, i told myself not to go back to the same shop for actual day wedding nails. but...... alas......... i went back there again after failing to find somewhere cheap and convenient! ahhh... fan jian me.. 

but this time round, im happy with the results! this design was an edited version that i choose from the magazines. and it was a really tedious design. 3 polish color, then add shiny polish, then add the 3d arts.. and plenty plenty plenty of glueeeeee! 

ok, the ribbons turned out to be a little too big. supposed to be quite small, but with the glue, they became super big lah. lol. and my nails became ultimate thick after that, with so many layers of stuff. they were sooo thick that i literally cannot feel anything with my nails anymore. and i had difficulty picking things up cuz of the thickness!

and it was really cheap... only $90!! such complicated design and effort for only $90! hohohohoho. and not counting the hours spent in getting them done! 

this time i was really satisfied and it kidda makes me want to do more manicure! quite happy actually to see the nails nicely painted. lol. 

and now, coming to 2mths down.... only 1 last finger is still surviving. all else dropped off already. see.. it's this peeing off process that's terrible! 

and now my nails are brittle again, but i thought it wasnt as bad as the last time. i guess to have the nails painted are actually not good for the nails. they too need to breath, dont they? 

anyway, it feels soo good, to be able to enjoy nose-digging and ear-digging all over again!!! hahahahahaha. previously my nails were so thick, that i cant feel anything at all! now that they are back to normal, i finally can enjoy liaooo!! wahahahahahahhahaha 

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