Sunday, October 12, 2014

D&D 2014

7years... and the 3rd D&D!!! 

looking back, the first was held in 2008. none was held in 2009. then the next was in 2010. after that i changed dept and the new dept was never involved in any d&d. so for the next few years, no d&d for me. boohoo. after that, i changed dept again, and starting last year, we started to have d&d!

last year was at orchard mandarin (or marina mandarin? cant remb..), but i din attend cuz was overseas. 

this year was at..... MBS!! and the theme was retrolicious. basically the functions attending will be divided into west and east retro. for ours is west retro.. hoho...

and that's the simple me.. yeah.. not wanting to spend anything on something i will only wear once... and... my dept pple also not very on... so.. just OTOT. great effort liao lah, at least i bought the handbair and scarf.. lol. 

honestly, when i reached... i tot i was super under-dressed lahh! all my ex-depts pple super on lahhhh! 

see? they really a-go-go and dressed to theme one lehh

haha, just a gap of 1.5mths and im back to mbs ballroom. of cuz, w a totally different role. had feedbacks that the food portion during my wedding was huge... and indeed, the same applied for our d&d function. 

with table already not full in the first place, and subsequently pple leaving early, our table was just filled w unfinished food. what a waste lahh! so much leftovers!


overall, i did enjoy myself. this d&d was very different from the past 2 i had attended. smaller scale and not as rah-rah, probably cuz the sales teams were not included. hoho. and.. honestly, we had one of the best table and i had one of the best seat in the house. very happy. can see the stage and performances v clearly. =)

and of cuz, 7years down, many things had changed. really really alot. for the better, definitely. and now, can only hope, can even better further. hehehe. jiayou jiayou! 

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