Thursday, April 14, 2011

VaLenTines 2011

another way past due post. hehe. not that past due lah, exactly 2 mths back nia. :)

vday this year was at RWS.

celebrated at this italian restaurant - Palio. mmm, it's not exactly the kind of fine dining ambience... but considering the portion of food they serve, i will take it as fine dining.

appetizer... but cant remb wad it is already.. opss.


bread. keke.

strawberry risotto!

my main course..

hubb's main course..


that's all.. and guess how much the meal cost?? it's a good $200+! diaoooo.... super bo hua lehhhh.... things little little bit... but yet sooo ex... haiz.

after that was pic taking time with candies!!

presents from dear hubb

presents from the restaurant... keychain, rose and polaroid.

loveeeeee :)

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