Monday, April 4, 2011

dinner on fri night with ex-dept colleagues. ex-superior got a promotion and he gave us a treat. venue at seafood paradise at defu lane.

it's a famous restaurant in a ulu place.. speciality is their butter crabs.

i think the food is  average. for the butter crabs, the sauce is good, but the freshness is soo soo only. not all that fresh. but something special lah, cuz i tot it's that kind of deep fried butter crab, but it turned out to be the creamy kind and u can dip the buns with the sauce.  the black pepper crab was not nice.


bought these 3-d puzzles at times bookshop. got big ones with 40+ pieces, but we only bought the small ones cuz they are cuter and it's always 'safer' to start with the easy ones first.

come with 14pcs.. and... u think it's easy???

no way man!!!

for the apple, hubb and me spent a few hrs on it and still couldnt work it out! then i surrendered and hubb continued till 2am, but to no avail....

it was only the next day that i finally completed it!!!

then i started on the star and it became much easier.

think i know the trick to it liao :)

very pretty, arent them?

thinking if i should next buy the bear and try :)

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