Friday, March 4, 2011

tada. know wad?

today he's on mc agaaaaaaain!!!!!

seee??? seeeee??? i juz freaking know it!

mon tues on leave... then wed thurs on mc.... then whole week only work for 1 day on friday. and that is provided if he comes tmr.. maybe he wouldnt even be coming.

stunning right?

for the next 2 wks, our whole dept gotta be involved in a super tedious and boliao exercise and becuz my team is already so short-handed, we went to talk to our team lead on the possibility of being excused.

and, she herself mentioned she will talk to him separately on this mia issue and that she had already spoken to him last yr. but she added on that she's not a doctor and she cannot verify his mc and she cannot get him to come to work if he really has got a mc to cover.

why didnt i freaking have the guts to tell her 'CANT U SEE THE BLOODY TREND OF HIS???????? FREAKING SEND HIM WARNING LETTERS IF TALKING DOES NOT HELP!!!!!!!!!!'

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. lousy colleague. lousy boss.

what the shit have i done to deserve all these kind of nonsense?!

looked into the mirror and i seriously think i've aged alot.

job recommendations, anyone?

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