Sunday, March 27, 2011

EarLy SunDaY MorNinG

woke up real early this morning to take part in the company's event. not a compulsory event, but for each participant, think there'll be a $25 donation towards charity.

basically it's a work-out morning. u can choose to participate in the walk, the run, or the competitive run. we took part in the walk. hiak.

it's the 1st time i join this event ever since joining the co. instead of going with current dept colleagues, i went with ex-dept colleagues.

gather and flag off at plaza one..

do we look like we were at universal studio?? hahaha.. no idea wad this bunny was doing there.. but since it was there, juz take pics lorr..

sight-seeing along the way....

the walk was abt 3km.... took us about an hour plus to complete. :)

and after that, was a rewarding breakfast, of cuz. but sadly, mac was soooo crowded with pple, and we had to end up with BK. and to tell the truth, i've neber tried this BK breakfast that somewad is equivalent to big breakfast in mac.

great to wake up real early once in awhile. but not all the time pls. it's really shagging! i went home and collapsed till 2pm.. kekekek.. real weak huh. :P

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