Woo... today's wed alredy? My last entry was on sat. been 3 days already??! Why is time passing so fast?? Jus like today. Woke up at 10 plus and suddenly it was already 2pm. i did like nothing lorr, and 4 hours had passed? diao... scary.. why is time passing faster and faster? i remember when i was in pri sch, time passed v slowly. one month hols is like forever. then as i grow older, time started to pass faster and faster and faster. i even lost track of the chinese zodiac signs, not being able to rem which zodiac sign yr it was because it changes so fast. i guess it's a cycle thing. i believe time will start to slow again when i reach my fifties. haii.. human.... ok, last sunday went out to celebrate pa's bday. went to crystal jade at great world city. there r 2 outlets of cr
ystal jade at great world. one is selling dim sum, porridge, wantan noodles and stuff. the other one is the xiao long bao and la mian and stuff. the outlet that sells dim sum is supposed to be on the lower level, while the xiao long bao is on the upper floor. so on tt day, wanting to eat dim sum, we queued at the lower floor, waited for a while and finally got a table. to our surprise, the menu was different and the pictures that
were hung on the wall, displaying the food, was changed too! the management actually did a swapped - the one tt sells xiao long bao is now on the lower level, while the one tt sells dim sum was moved up. so duh lar.. in the end we decided to move up and the lady told us tt we will have to wait for another 20 mins or so. but luckily, it did not take tt long. waited for juz a while and we got a table. the food there is great. and bro-in-law paid for this meal. hahaha..

shared money with sis and bought a watch for pa. i don know if anyone of u heard of this brand - titoni. never rite?? neither me nor my sis heard of this brand b4 lor. while shopping for a new watch for pa, we brought his old watch along. the brand is titoni and i was like wondering "p
oor pa, wearing a watch with a kuku brand". then when we reached a watch retail shop, we saw watches of this brand being nicely displayed on the display window. We randomly pointed to a piece and asked how much was it. and the lady said something like 500 plus! i looked at other pieces and the prices ranges frm 700+ and above lor. diao... titoni?? why so ex?? then the lady explained tt the brand has been ard for many many years and later, bro in law said tt it's juz one grade below rolex! wooooo... never heard of this brand, yet so ex.. best! as for pa's very old titoni watch, my ma claimed tt she bought it for him when they wed and it was only abt 300+ back then. so tt was like 30+ years ago? so, can we consider the titoni piece tt pa has is an antique? maybe can sell and fetch 10 over thousands??? lol... big fat hope huh ?? anyway, we don have such a big budget to buy another titoni watch. in the end settled for a seiko. gee...
some pics taken on tt day ......
pa and ma at home

ma and ah ji

ah ji and hubby

ok, tt's all. had a hard time uploading and organising these pics! argh!!!
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