A saturday at home. how sad can tt be? well... wanted to start going thru the stuff i took from the career fair tt time and jolly well apply for a job. i did search thru the stuff and sorted them out. and then on the computer, wanting to 1) register for the one to one carreer talk with the ntu stuff 2) register for resume writing and interview workshops 3) look thru the websites of potential employers 4) edit my resume 5) if possible, send out !!
in the end... yah ok.. none of them got done. i cant open the link to which i can register for the one to one talk. then for the workshops, i cannot register online. think must do it at the donnoe-wad centre.. and .. ya.. i ended up surfing the net and playing dai-dee on computer.. how diao rite? then took a nap.. wake up.. watch tv.. eat.. and there goes my sat.. wanna come online update the blog.. then go bath and do some studying.. but.. mentioning of dai dee.. hahaha.. feels like playing again. yup, i'll do tt after i bath! lol .. o.. and too boliao, nothing to do.. took out the camera and took some cute pics..
ps: WAD THE HELL... why is it so diff to upload the pics.. and.. why doesnt this entry show up ????????????? &#$%R($&(%&*^^%%$
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