Tuesday, September 3, 2024

 Working from site office today again!

Really time saving!

Usually, i have to be on the train by 730, in order to reach workplace at 830.

But today, tu until 745 then leave home, and in the end, still can reach site office by 830!


Good start, but unfortunately, the rest of the working day not so good liao. 

System kenna locked, cuz too many failed attempts with the password. And the IT side, took forever to finally unlock my ID.. Seriously! 

Came back from lunch, then finally unlocked! Whole morning gone! Lucky no flooding of cases, else i 完蛋liao!! 

And then... 寄人篱下, 就要看人脸色入乡随俗咯...

Sort of kenna say by the 地头蛇, cuz i too comfortable, act like my own office liao...


Ok la. Nvm. 为了方便, 我忍! 

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