Thursday, September 19, 2024

Happy happy birthday to me!!!!! 

祝我生日快乐, 身体健康, 事事顺心! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


So nice of my colleagues yaa.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Chanced upon these mooncakes at Giant today. 

便宜有便宜做, 贵有贵做.... 人生真的是有选择的! 

同样是月饼, 同样可以过节. 

$4 一粒, vs $18一粒... 

亮丽包装and名气之外, 还真不懂还有什么别的分别... 

Better quality flour? Better paste? Handmade one by one? 


不同,肯定有不同.  But 还是可以make do. 

There r always choices in life.


Monday, September 16, 2024



Why i cannot proactive 一些har??


But, 也无所谓啦.




And... Finally someone offered raffles snowskin mooncakes... 

But one box nia... 分都不够分咯...


Sunday, September 15, 2024



Ok, more fresh meat and less processed food the next round!


Saturday, September 14, 2024

 Inspired by a chanced upon video where the family's meal was a 一锅熟 ie.. Just dump
 everything in the pot, boil and eat! 

And... Why not right??! 

Quickly bought an induction cooker pot and....tada!!


You must be thinking.. Isint this the same as steamboat? 

Actually same same but different.

Steamboat is with many many different kinds of 料, eat one time, can 饱whole day. but this is a little bit of different 料... Good for one meal nia. 

Lol.. Me and my 歪理... Haha

Anyways, problem is the soup base... The whole point about this is to eat healthier, and if use those prepacked steamboat soup base, it will defeat the purpose liao.. 

So, bought the 药材包,and also a packet of ikan bilis. Today tried the 药材包,ok wor. Tmr will try the ikan bilis. Lol.

And shld less the processed food, and buy more fresh ingredients. Mmmm. 

And this hubb, spoilt the thing when he dropped in 2 packets of instant noodle and also the powder.. Duh.

Ok la, i guess overall, should still be healthier than if we were to eat out or order food panda ba.... At least minimal oil and 调味料.. 


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

My borrowed trophy for being a kaypoh ji all these while



Hope next yr, i wont need to be a kaypoh ji again. 

Though i seemed to be saying the same thing every year... 


Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Last event for this series of events!!!!!! 



Pls tolong.... No more nonsense plssssss!!! 

Monday, September 9, 2024

 Back to school!!!! 

Welcome to a new season of mad rushes and stress!!!

Last semester, and the WA schedule's out. 


Jiayou la!!!! 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

 Nua-ing day at home!!

And the snowskin durian mooncakes from shangrila...... 

Look and taste like mochi than mooncake! 


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Impromptu dinner @  车老板 restaurant in tpy


Friday, September 6, 2024

 A testament of my vintage in the company.. Ahhh

And.... Following the hype on the mac x crocs happy meal toys... 

几cute lor


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Took leave today to accompany the boys abit 

Our usual holiday activity - hotpot!!!! 


After that, dropped them to play at jumptopia, while hubb and i went bowling.. Lol

Long time never bowl liao

Yay, happy holiday!! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

 Working from site office today again!

Really time saving!

Usually, i have to be on the train by 730, in order to reach workplace at 830.

But today, tu until 745 then leave home, and in the end, still can reach site office by 830!


Good start, but unfortunately, the rest of the working day not so good liao. 

System kenna locked, cuz too many failed attempts with the password. And the IT side, took forever to finally unlock my ID.. Seriously! 

Came back from lunch, then finally unlocked! Whole morning gone! Lucky no flooding of cases, else i 完蛋liao!! 

And then... 寄人篱下, 就要看人脸色入乡随俗咯...

Sort of kenna say by the 地头蛇, cuz i too comfortable, act like my own office liao...


Ok la. Nvm. 为了方便, 我忍! 

Monday, September 2, 2024


Kaypoh ji again!!!


本来可以早回家myob de.



Sunday, September 1, 2024

 Day 3 of our staycay!

Yum yum bf

And then.... Playing at the jacuzzi again!!! 


After that nua and rest in the room till checkout time at 4pm. 

Had late lunch at soup restaurant vivo... B4 heading to temple to pray 

Yeah, so that's all for our 10th yr wedding celeb. Just nice sync with school hols. And of cuz, not forgetting ur wedding anni gift to me.... Hehhee.

Ok, start of a new month, and also my bday mth.

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