Saturday, August 10, 2024

KL Day 3 - 10.8.24

Day 3 of our short KL getaway! 

Off to 3 games of laser quest! 

My first time playing laser quest. Not bad, quite fun. Can burn some calories. Hahaha

The very big indoor theme park.. This berjaya times square, really like a 娱乐城xia.. Can stay here all day. So many things to play! 

The boys really had fun

Wax hand making, lol

Long long long time ago, hubb and i also made one... But it eventually sort of melted and crumbled... 

But these 2 done today, the inside also filled with wax de, so really solid. Hopefully can last long lo. Rm50 each. 

And then more playing, and shopping, b4 we went back to our room to rest for awhile.

And... Out again for dinner. Initially wanted to go petaling street, but hubb suggested to go nearby - jalan alor, which is also a place that i wanna visit! 

Cuz the prev time in KL w my colleagues, they all went jalan alor, but i did not... So, been wanting to visit this place which i heard is quite 杂one... 

And tada! 

Really one whole street of makan places.. 人山人海!! Eye opener! 

Went to this restaurant which hubb googled

Yummy fat die

And with so much food and drink, the bill came out to about sgd80 nia!!! Woohoooo! 

Raining a little when on our way back to hotel. 

And one last cup of bbt b4 we end the day. 


Ok, gotta sleep soon liao. Tmr morning coach back to SG! 

Ahhh. So fast! 

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