Sunday, May 19, 2024

Ok. Still (covid, not feeling) positive. 

And, hubb also KO liao. Raythorous also running fever. Rayous too, but milder. 

Apparently not covid though. 

'Apparently' cuz the remaining 3 kits that we have at home, had already expired in feb... 

So, he used one this morning, and it was negative. 

Then i went to use the 2nd one, and, no result, cuz there was insufficient liquid to sqz onto the kit.. I dont knoe where the liquid went, but yup.. Wasted one kit, but is okay, cuz already expired anyway. 

Then i tried the 3rd kit. Though also not much liquid, i managed to get a result which is the one u saw above. 

Ok, so proven. An expired kit, can still be use, if you managed to sqz out enough liquid. 


Anyways, sense of smell is better today. Can smell abit liao. But runny nose also coming back. Weird. 

Hope the boys wb well enough to go back to sch tmr. 

Else all 4 of us will visit the clinic tog and nua at home together again. 


Covid cases on the rise. Just got notified that 2 of my colleagues also kenna. Just lunched with them on wed.. I really suspect it was me who passed it to them.


Take care everyone!! 

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