Friday, February 2, 2024


 Took 1 day leave to go JB! 

Crossing the customs was a breeze! 

Reached v early, and the mall wasnt opened yet.

So bf at the stalls along the street.


Then chanced upon this bakery w loooong q. So decided to join the q and buy some... 

Bought their pineapple tarts and balls.... Alas..... 味道真的很不怎么样........ Disappointing max! 

And then... Our real motive for this trip..... 

To get our hair done!!! 

And shun bian mani pedi.... Lol

Many many salons to choose from, we just hum tum one. 几冒险一下! 

Lucky end results still ok! Tada! 

And my very cutie nails... Wahahahahahaha

Hand drawn by the manicurist one leh...!

Nice horrrr. Should have drawn a few more! Hahhahaa

Also managed to buy some 年饼s...

fruitful and hubb's de 口袋一个洞! Hahahahahhahaha

Though could be better if had more time to buy even more things! 


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