Tuesday, October 25, 2022



Tues nights are really me time!!

No need to rush home, cuz even if i do, the boys will be out for tkd liao. 

So i usually can slowly tu to go home on tues. 

As such, I will usually fix facial sessions on tues. Take the monthly 4.30pm early off from work, go for facial and dinner, before heading home. 

So today same lor. After facial walked around and saw this 1pax meal at riverside grill fish. 

Very happy!!

Always jio hubb to eat, but he will neber la. One whole tray of mala, 吓都吓死他了。

So.. Hardly got chance to eat, unless with other friends.

And now, tada!!

One person set meal!! 

Shiok! Darn shiok! 

Could be better if can add on other meat, 单单鱼肉有一点单调, though it also comes with a little bit of mushroom and a few pieces of hotdogs. 

So smart of them to come up with this to satisfy people like me! 

But... I really should help myself and cut down on spiciness liaoo..

Everything also need to be spicy.... Hopeless!! 

But again, life is tough. 吃自己喜欢的,没有错吧。。。must treat ownself better..!!!

Ok, on train otw home liao.. 



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