Monday, June 27, 2022

To celeb Rayous's day 7 and end of sch holiday!!!!! 

Pizza for brunch!!!! 

Yay, he never go school today, cuz can only self discharge on 12noon of the 7th day. So, tmr will send him back liao. 

In other words, in the eyes of law, he has recovered liao!!!! Though I really don't know if he has fully recovered or not.... See him at times still sian sian like that.. LS still abit... Appetite also so so... 

Anyways, 不管了。tmr he must return to school!! 

For me, today is day 4. From what I have gathered so far, day 4 seems like the day when the symptoms would subside significantly. 

Past 3days still having fever. So I was thinking if today still fever, I shall visit the doc again liao, cuz it was stated that if the fever is >= 3days, then to see doc again. 

But this morning.... Fever is gone miraculously! Sore throat also better than before. But still coughing and runny nose....

Ytd night still can whack all the junk food!! Hahaha, hopeless!!! 

I think when one is unwell, really will want to eat junk food leh. Cuz the mouth got this very 淡taste (all thanks to the lozenges), and u just feel like eating something stronger... 

Bbt la, instant noodle la, pizza la, deep fried food la... Omgggg! 

And today, finally felt better to do some cooking liao. Been ordering outside food these days... Very guilty to let the boys eat outside food..

Tada! Fried Maggi noodle! 

OK, Maggi in itself is quite junk. But at least I preboiled it, and surely less oil, less salt than outside food ba.. 



Reminded me of my mum who always insisted to cook for us.. Sometimes even got chided by me in the past, like why go thru all the trouble to prepare, cook, wash etc.... 弄到自己一个忙,when we can simply tabao, 干净利落。

Now then I know why.. 


Anyways, now is hubb's turn to have fever. He went to the doc, but apparently negative. 

Think he has already kenna, but yet to be detected by the kit. 


As much as we tried to keep separated. 

Now I'm only worried for Raythorous. 


Now still can fight with the kor kor.... Wonder if he can come out unscathed..... 

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