Monday, March 7, 2022

RayThoRous's HRN


Lai liao. 

Mr Raythorous kenna HRN!!!

Really don't know is it so so so bad outside, or is the school not managing it well...

Almost every single day also got covid positive cases being reported!

Even weekends, also got notifications coming to inform on the positive cases!!!!

Wah lau eh... 


Since Jan, all the way till now.... 


Last time at the jurong branch, it wasn't so bad de. But this cck branch... Really Omg.. 

No doubt its a much bigger branch than the jurong branch, but... I honestly suspect they haven't been managing the situation well... 

Actually Raythorous's class has been very heng liao. Every time tio tio tio, but never tio his class, except for 1x in late Jan. But after that was the cny holiday, and his class bo daiji after that. 

But today, got 2 coming from his class! 


So now, if he wants to go school, has to do ART daily...

And.... First time he still so enthu.... 铁了心wants to go back to school, despite knowing that he has to do ART. 


So.... Same old question.... To go or not to go??????


Struggle again!

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