Friday, April 9, 2021

Now this really has got nothing to do with me..

But I'm indeed happy for Mr Heng Swee Keat's decision to take a back seat.

Considering his health, he really shouldnt take on too much stress.

Honestly, I have no idea why there are just people who refused to let go.

People like Trump, like Biden...

At their age, why not just relax, sit back, and enjoy the 晚年???

Not like they need to earn for a living. so why still want to embroil in all these and take on so much??

I really don't understand.

Or perhaps, I don't understand now, but I probably will understand when it is my own turn to reach golden age.

Hubb was saying he wants to retire by 55yo. Well, if u ask me, if I got the money, I don't mind 'retiring' now! 

But conversely, i have colleagues who have already reached or near retirement age, yet, they still choose to work... 


So, money aside, I believe they must have their reasons to still want to work despite their age.

So really, I can only ans this when I reach the age.

And I guess, if I were to retire early, its either I strike it big liao, or I simply don't want to have a younger boss ordering me around!


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