Monday, March 8, 2021


Just blogged about cheap haircut of $6.80...

Went back to the same shop... And believe it or not, the price reduced to $3.80!!

 This is even cheaper than a bowl of noodle at the foodcourt xia!

And some shops down, they are cutting at..... $2 for members!!!

Though I don't knoe what they meant by 'members'... 

Wow.. The way they are cutting their own throats... Simply going to die together only...

Cut 1 head only $3.80... Must cut how many to cover the overheads xia.

Not to mention still want to make profits.. 

恶性竞争,although the consumers get to benefit. So I quite happy to see such competition. 


But on retrospect, if u were to put this kind of 恶性竞争into the workplace, 那就完蛋了。

Honestly at work, one of the 最怕的就是market spoilers.

U know, those people who just want to do that little bit (or big bit) more just to shine above the rest (or for whatever reasons).

So mgmt will sure compare. If this market spoiler can do that much, why can't u? Then u kenna stress right? So u also do that bit more. 

Then, the market spoiler sure will react one mah. So, he/she will again try to do abit more. Then mgmt will come again. 

So u see this vicious cycle? 

没完没了de。ownself cut ownself throat only. 

Unfortunately, this kind of thing cannot be avoided de. unless u and yr team so gam, that everyone plays by the ear and do agar agar the same. No market spoiler. 

Or u so zenn that regardless how the market spoiler cheong or how the mgmt kb u, u just heck and still do at yr own pace. But likely u will suffer on ur rewards lor. 

Haii.. 很难right..

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