Wednesday, April 11, 2018


ok, will be travelling to taiwan in a few days. 

yeah, the 'kiasu' trip that was booked last july, is going to happen in a few days! 


ok. actually, 很纠结. in fact, i have been 纠结-ing for the LONGEST time.

to bring mr raythorous? or dont bring? 

the whole world has been telling me not to bring him. ok, not the whole world, but almost the whole world.

if dont bring him, things will be very much easier, cuz only need to handle 1 kid, which is easy peasy la. but.... i will feel ultra duper guilty lor.. 

if bring, it will definitely be a lot lot lot more difficult. it will be tough, and i probably will get stressed up and likely to flare at everyone when that happens. so... why stress everyone out when it's supposed to be a holiday?? anyway, raythorous wont know a thing right?

and why bring him to somewhere where there is no proper food and accomodation (for a less than 1yo) ...

and y bring him along when we jolly well know we probably will not be able to properly handle him? 


i know if i dont bring him, everyone including myself will enjoy more. much more. and he himself probably will be better off too as he will continue to get nutritious food, and undivided attention from the grandparents... 

but then again.. it will be the longest period that i have ever left him. never even left rayous behind for so long.. so why now... 


haii.. 早知道就不plan这个trip le.. 

actually, at point of booking, our intention was to bring him de. but along the way, and especially after the staycation, it was realised that it will really be quite a nightmare to bring him along.... so... 


我不知道 我不知道 

怎么办???? 怎么办????

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