Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Wedding Venue - Marina Bay Sands

now, how did we ended up with MBS?

the search for the venue went all the way back in Feb 2012. actually we didn't exactly knew when to hold the banquet, it all just happened one day when hubb was browsing and he came across MBS rates and was surprised how the rates had come down as compared to the very 1st time he came to know about the rates.

MBS was a venue I wanted, but knew couldn't make it, as we all knew, it will be damn hell expensive. so, when hubb told me about the dropped in rates, I quickly started the email enquiry blasts.

to be honest, we wanted, or at least, I wanted, a venue of certain branding. I remembered sending out enquiries to MBS, Goodwood Park, Four Seasons, Fullerton, Ritz Carlton, Pan Pac, Marriott etc. We also attended wedding shows for RWS and Marina Mandarin, and had racquet Carlton Hotel on our own.

I remembered RWS providing very attractive perks during their wedding show, but in the end we did not take it up in view of the really far and inconvenient location.

then the battle was btw MBS and Marriott, as the rest were either not suitable or over our budget. MBS and Marriott were the only 2 comparable, in terms of branding and pricing.

and then I remembered negotiating like hell over emails w MBS, asking them to give more perks etc. at that time, we were looking to hold our banquet in last quarter of 2013. when the nego w MBS were almost firmed up, hubb's eldest bro suddenly announced that he would be tying the knot in Nov2013.

not wanting to clash w him, I asked MBS if it was okay to book a date in 2014 instead of 2013, in which they replied saying booking for 2014 was not opened yet. urgh! so much for the time spent in negotiations!!

so things were left there, until I received an invitation from MBS for their wedding show held in July 2012.

and then, we quickly went to consult a master to get auspicious dates.

at MBS wedding show, it was an open date booking! and believe it or not, we booked our wedding date 2 years ahead! in 2012, we already booked our wedding banquet for 2014! talk about kiasu-ness! hohoho.

actually, the initial date we signed during the wedding show was in June. 8 June 2014, if I remb correctly. but after that, there were some changes, and the final date was fixed on 30 Aug 2014, which was definitely a better date than 8 June! Kekekeke.

with the wedding show, there were already better perks. and along the way, there were many things which happened and we managed to ask for even more perks and add-ons!

it was definitely a good deal for us.

and I must say, MBS is a really cool hotel. the service is superb and we really felt like VIPs when we were there. though there were couple of hiccups along the way, they rectified them to our satisfaction.

as the wedding couple, Im totally satisfied with MBS service. they had accommodated us and pacified us when things went wrong. not too sure how the guests felt about the standards that day, hopefully good too.

what I totally love, was the dual screens, one at each corner of the ballroom, so that no guests had to turn their chairs or heads when viewing the screens.

if clock turns back, MBS will still be the choice :)

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