Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Pre Wedding Photoshoot

ok, and so the photo shoot is over! whaahahahhaha. one big load off.

we went for mac bf, then arrived at the bridal shop at about 910am. the make-up took quite a while, almost 2 hr, which I din expect. and then the photo shoot started at about 1115am.

tada, the 1st hairdo

indoor shoot first, with 1 white gown and 1 evening gown. and then we set for outdoor shoot at about 4pm, which i considered very late liao. seriously i was expecting to set off at 2pm.. don't know y dragged till 4pm then leave..

1st destination was to MBS skypark. then to botanic garden. then to sentosa. and back to MBS for the night scene.

that's my make-up artist, nice lady from taiwan. and she's also the lady boss of the bridal shop. hehe. hubb said she looks like rosamund kwan and she was damnnn flattered by it lah. lol. 

too bad by the time we reached sentosa, it was already quite dark. din managed to catch the sunset nor the sea sand and sun which i wanted. boohoo...

but all in all still considered quite ok lah. wasn't as tiring as i thought, but body is aching all over now. esp the tighs and shoulders... and even rib cage.. uh oh...

and outside, the make-up artist mainly only change the hairdo, not the make-up. make-up only touch up a bit here and there. i still thought the whole make-up will change with the outfit.. lol. 

and hubb kept telling me to bring a lady friend along to help with the wearing of gowns which i told him no need no need. but in fact, i think is necessary de, unless the hubby is super good with tying of the gowns. i cant imagine who to help me if i din bring my make-up artist along. sure the photographer's assistant can help, but ultimately he is a guy... not that convenient afterall. 

hopefully the end results will turn out good. QC a few shots on the photographer's camera, mmmm.... like not very nice leh.. shall c how they turn out...

actually, not nice also good lah, then wont have to spend money topping up. we only have 30 pics.... so, i really don't know how to select the top 30 pics from the soo many that we took....

hubb and myself have come to a consensus - ie. NO TOP-UP!!!

but... seems like everyone is telling us it's IMPOSSIBLE!!!

ok, shall see how (even though im not confident of myself being able to work within 30 pieces as well. oppps)

and the additional payment just for the photo shoot itself... winz.

our photographer (extreme right) and his assistant... i tot my photographer looks like alex to. haha.

 our shoot was supposed to end at 9pm.. but it went on till 1030pm.. and they din charge us any extra.. and though it went over time, the 2 guys were still patient and did their best.. thumbs up!

did manage to use most of the props we brought along, except for the sparklers and balloons (which somehow kept bursting before they were even properly blown up). 

results will be out in 1 mth's time. hopefully nice bah. 

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