i simply love slacking at home!! :)
up till this point of my life now, i can firmly say that there are 2 things which i think/feel can be very easily done, but which in fact are damnn tough.
the first one will be rock-climbing. seeing others climb is like sooo simple - step on the stones, grab another stone and slowly climb up. effortlessly, isint it? but i can tell u, i believe rock climbing is something which i will never accomplish in my life.
i've tried it once during one of those camps in JC and i have never attempted again. it's vvvvv tough. i remembered staying in tt same positon, comtemplating my next move, but despite my brain telling me to move on, my body juz could not. it takes great effort to move ur whole body upwards juz by using ur arm strength and i juz cant do it. if u are a gal and u can do it, then i sincerely salute you.
another thing which i think is very easy, but in fact is very tough will be PAINTING!
yes. painting is very very tough!
i always think painting is very easy... and i always volunteer myself when mum wants to paint the house.. until one year, when i was made to paint the roof... i can tell u.. i swear to myself i will never volunteer to paint again.
the experience is horrible. ur neck will ache becuz u have to constantly look upwards. ur arms will be in pain becuz they r constantly in a raise-up position and moving. and not to mention the paint dripping all over ur face and body!
painting is something that really involves commitment. if ur not ready to paint, then dont start at all! cuz once u start, the part which u have started painting will become white, while the rest will still be yellow. and as a result, there will be no end until everything is painted equally white. get wad i mean?
and so, when mum said she wants the house to be painted this year, i readily told her to pls hire pple to do it cuz i WILL NOT do it for her.
and so.. on 10/10/09... we hired pple to paint the whole hse for us..
went thru tremedous 'spring cleaning' b4 the painting day. but despite soo.. there are still many barangs barangs which remained..
and while the painting took place inside, we were made to sit outside from 9am to 5pm......*
i cant say it's alot of fun sitting outside... but i cant be in a worse off position than having to paint myself.
*that sets me thinking again.. how nice it is to have money..
soo many problems can be solved with money. so much agony and pain and trouble and hassle can be spared with money. money can really make the world turns...
if not for the money paid, i will be the one inside, having to move all the furnitures, lay the newspaper on the floor and over the furnitures/appliances, breath the paint smell, ache and sweat and have paint all over me, and shift the furnitures back to their original positions when done......
how would i stil have the luxury to juz sit down outside, enjoy the breeze and watch the world goes by???
seee???? seee????? money money money!!!!!!! never under-estimate the power of money and how much it can do. it's formidable!*