Sunday, September 6, 2009


there'r soo many things to update........
was sick for the past week. tt explains y i did not blog despite so many new happenings. vomitted 2x + diarrhoea last sunday nite. fever came next and appetite did not return until friday and am juz sooo glad im well now. i tell u, nothing beats being healthy. when ur unwell, nothing matters anymore. this year like not soo good leh.. fell sick a few times... must be one of the aging signs... sighhh...
Driving Test
yes pple! i've finally passed my driving test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeahhhh!!!! am soooo happy! finally one load off and one money and time consuming activity stroke off my list! the test was on that monday when i was running a fever. still many buang-ness during the pre-test lesson, but amazingly, i managed to pass with 8pts!! i think it's due to the fever tt i managed to pass. cuz i was juz tooo sian and weak to feel anxious/guncheong. probably my heart was also too weak to beat fast tt day, tt's y i was calm and finally did it!!! i literally fell asleep while waiting for my name to be called for the test. i was also lucky lah, cuz tt day tt slot only 6 candidates and the road outside was soo empty tt day. anyway, i have passed and tt's all it matters. and.... dont ask me how many times i tried b4 i passed k. hheee.
went NATAS fair on sat and have booked the china tour. bejing + tianjin + chengdu from 19dec to 26dec. will be going with pa, ma and hubb. it's gonna be a cold cold cold and probably snowy xmas this year!!!! actually kidda worried abt the weather. i cannot imagine how cold it'll be and i wonder if the folks can take it. also thinking if i was too hasty in booking this trip. i mean, i have always wanted to bring them to china and i really want to go during winter. but i havent really consider how cold it'll be and how inconvenient it'll be to go in winter. i suppose spring will be a better option. seriously, i kind of regretted booking this tour.. but now tt i've done so, the only thing to do now is to ensure tt we are adequately equipped to fight the bitter winter. have went to check out on the winter wear yesterday.. not cheap at all.. but cant do without either. but also excited lar.. cuz there will never be a chance to bao1 like a ba-zhang (rice dumpling) in singapore. im looking forward!!! and... probably it's time to invest in a camcorder?
things at work are bad, worse and worst! i cannot tell u how bad and dramatic things r now.. and i dont think there's any point in complaining here. but it's seriously getting more and more absurd, unreasonable and unbearable. feel very sad tt things are coming out this way.. and there's nothing anyone of us could do or dare to do to save our own asses. it's not the worst worst yet... but i can feel tt the worst worst is coming.... soon. i juz hope i will be safe.. at least from now till i receive my bonus nxt year.
went rent a car right after i got my license. and ytd took bro-in-law's car to drive. quite scary actually and lucky hubb was there to guide me. think i still dont dare to drive alone yet. went up the expressway and the left lane cars were travelling faster than me.. think i only travelled at 70kph or 80kph.. but cant blame me lar.. gotta be v careful in everything.. i dont wanna anything to happen tt will cost me my hard-earned license!!! and parking was cuii... really gotta practice more.
yepp.. tt more or less summed up everything. and.. it's september!! my bday month!! :) and the last quarter of the year! jiayou everyone for the last lap!!!

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