Friday, August 14, 2009

2nD AnniVerSaRy

took leave tdy and only woke up at 1pm juz now... juz goes to show how tired im..
yesterday was the 2nd year im with the bank. from tdy onwards, im eligible for internal transfer le. 2 years passed... juz like that..
i joined the bank on 13aug2007. probation at that time was for 6mths. initially there were many hiccups but i tot to myself, i must at least survive for that 6mths.. then got the confirmation and got my 1st bonus in march'08. then the cycle goes on and aug'08 was the 1st full year, and march'09 got my 2nd bonus. now aug'09 is my 2nd year and v soon in march'10, i will get my 3rd bonus..
day by day, day by day, day by day and day by day..... it's really scary how time is whizzing by now........
many a times, esp on those super-low days, i will tot to myself, will i be better off elsewhere? will i be happier doing something else?
read thru some of the old posts and the painful experiences of seeking for a job came back to me.. i dont wanna go thru tt process again.. and i dont wanna start frm point 0 again. but yet, i know i shouldnt stay in this line for too long. not tt there's anything wrong with this job, but juz tt the longer i stay in this line, the tougher it'll be to get out of it.
unless of cuz, i get promoted and the job scope gets different. but then again, im not expecting a promotion anytime soon. if one were to come, i will anticipate it to be after the 3rd year..
anyway, given the situation now, the best move will be to wait. it wouldnt be too long b4 the next bonus comes and hopefully there'll be a good pay increment.
im juz glad im given stable income and have purchasing power. reading the past posts made me remember how poor i was b4. not tt im rich now, but at least i have the ability to buy wad i want, to eat wad i want, to go where i want.
now y am i always hearing the phrase tt 'studying is better than working'??? i dont know if my pt of view will change in the future, but at least for the past 2yrs and up to the point now, i will firmly say tt 'WORKING IS FAR FAR FAR BETTER THAN STUDYING'.

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