I hate my boyfriend.
becuz he only knows how to say 'i forgot', 'i dont remember' and 'i dont know'.
surely there are better ones than the 3 classics above?
and, besides saying im stupid, unreasonable, not understanding, childish and immature..
wad else can he say??
simply poor vocabulary.
pls give me some creativity!!! *
Friday, August 28, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
off to JB yesterday.. cheap cheap fun fun :)
had lunch at this jap restuarant again.................
had lunch at this jap restuarant again.................
~milk shake for RM8 = 3.3 sgd~
~ bbq beef for RM23 = sgd9.50~
~ total bill was rm78.20 = 32.60sgd~
came across this candy floss machine and hubb insisted on 'playing'... rm3.50 for DIY candyfloss...
*came across this candy floss machine and hubb insisted on 'playing'... rm3.50 for DIY candyfloss...
~ end product... quite cuii.. ~
and.. we also caught a movie there. guess how much is a tix?? rm10!! tt's abt sgd4.20!! wahahaah.. watched laughing korr.. and the best thing was... the movie wasnt dubbed but was in cantonese! hehee
*real cheap cheap cheap!!!
*introducing another restuarant..
last time this one is one of our fav restuarant.. then i also cannot remb y we stopped patronising... and tt day, i suddenly suggested going there agian and tada! relinquished the good old times.. hhaa. been vvvv long since we went there...
given the name of the restuarant, obviously the signature dish is the sharksfins............. but then of cuz... there are many diff types and grades of sharkfins too... and usually, we will go for the cheapest or the fish maw...
~black pepper beef~
*~three cups chicken~ *
~free tissue~
total cost with 2drinks and all the svc and gst is abt $50+... shld be reasonable, i supposed? but the food is yummy.. worth trying.
Friday, August 21, 2009
i took leave tdy. again. im juz one lazy ass. but tmr still gotta work.. i really cannot bear having to wake up early for 6days in a roll... WHY ARE WE MADE TO WORK ON SAT???!!!! im angry.
and im really tired.. i wonder why....... am i suffering from some hidden disease? maybe i should propose tt we start work at 11am and knock off at 8.30pm. it's still 9.5hrs. so y not? i think i will be happier with such working hrs.
a brother of a collegue of mine was diagnosed with acute luekaemia. a 20yr old boy, waiting to be enlisted and to uni after that.. it's juz sooooo not correct. no symptons at all, yet down with something soo serious..
life is juz soooo unpredictable.
and cux no one can predict wad will happen, we shld enjoy while we can and live like there's no tmr. but it's also precisely tt life is unpredictable, tt we shld save for rainy days and not indulge.
contradicting, isint it?
life... it always has been.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
KL Day2
it's been a week!!!! can time juz be a little slower??!!
anyway, day 2 of the little short trip started with the complimentary breakfast at hotel. our hotel was mandarin court hotel. about sgd75 per nite. nice hotel near to train station but not near to any shopping area.

wanted to wake up early, but really too tried le. woke up near to 10am.. had the breakfast and went back to nap awhile b4 we checked out at 1pm and continue the day..

it's simply awesome.. can u imagine?? a large scale themepark in a shopping mall! intially, i don knoe wad is sci centre. now, i dont know wad is escape. and, and, i seriously dont even know wad is vivocity and ion anymore! seriously, sad to say, besides stability, singapore has NOTHING to be proud of or to showoff. wad we can produce, pple can produce even bigger and even better.
*juz a KL can be such eye-opener.. i cannot imagine wad things are there in other big nations. i really should travel more and see more and experience more things.. tt will teach me how not to be complacent.. lesson in life: u dont know where u really stand until u see where others stand.
lunch was at tis HK cafe. the food there - ultra yummy!!!



but it was also at this mall tt we witnessed the passing away of a teenager probably in 19 or 20yrs old.. we were walking pass this bench and realised someone passed out. then his frens appeared and started shouting his name.. then a doc came and after a while, the security guards set up a tentage to surround the teen. but the top of the tent wasnt covered, so we went to higher levels to peep down.. and the teen was covered in black cloth already.. urgghh.. disturbing.. wondered wad happened to him..... life is soo fragile.. happily went shopping with frens but ended up dead in the mall. who'll expect that??*
anyway, we spent quite some time watching the process instead of shopping.. diao~~
but it was also at this mall tt we witnessed the passing away of a teenager probably in 19 or 20yrs old.. we were walking pass this bench and realised someone passed out. then his frens appeared and started shouting his name.. then a doc came and after a while, the security guards set up a tentage to surround the teen. but the top of the tent wasnt covered, so we went to higher levels to peep down.. and the teen was covered in black cloth already.. urgghh.. disturbing.. wondered wad happened to him..... life is soo fragile.. happily went shopping with frens but ended up dead in the mall. who'll expect that??*
anyway, we spent quite some time watching the process instead of shopping.. diao~~
me with my new bought shorts. it's really tough for me to find nice shorts and i bought 3 in one go! :)

things are generally cheaper there. if u go bugis street, the things r most prob selling at sgd15. but the things there r selling at rm15! now i can clearly understand y soo many msians like to come n work in sg. basically their purchasing power will increase by 4fold if they work in sg and spend in msia.
dont get it? see, their income, when converted frm sgd to rm is already 2x. but their commodities r also cheaper than our's by half. so effectively, 2x2 = 4! seriously, i feel im much loaded there than im in sg and naturally, shopping becomes more enjoyable!
left the mall at abt 7pm b4 we headed to petaling street for dinner.

and then to hotel to pick up our stuff and to the train station in KL.


as mentioned earlier, we were downgraded on the return trip as well. real sucky.. but this time round, we were provided supper and breakfast... then how come on the 1st trip, we were only given mineral water and a piece of choco cake leh? weird.. maybe due to the timing?? mmm..

*nasi lemak and nasi bryani...also can choose fried rice..*
*breakfast. tuna or egg sandwhich+drink*
y din i complete the outfit with a pair of shoes?????????

*din realised my arm is soo muscular!!**



all in all, we only spent abt 130 each on the train tix and accomodation. could b cheaper if we opt for lower class train tix or cheaper hotel. reasonable and highly recommended for a short getaway/breathing. come sept, my bday tt wkend, there'll be another long wkend. contemplating the possiblity of doing tis again..
*and lastly, some of the stuff i purchased..
*and lastly, some of the stuff i purchased..

on the train back, also witnessed one phenomenon. i was looking out of the window and i constantly saw this moving car outside the window. over a long distance and the car was still side by side our train. this simply means that all the while, the car is moving at the same speed as our train!!!! stunned... how is that possible???!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
2nD AnniVerSaRy
took leave tdy and only woke up at 1pm juz now... juz goes to show how tired im..
yesterday was the 2nd year im with the bank. from tdy onwards, im eligible for internal transfer le. 2 years passed... juz like that..
i joined the bank on 13aug2007. probation at that time was for 6mths. initially there were many hiccups but i tot to myself, i must at least survive for that 6mths.. then got the confirmation and got my 1st bonus in march'08. then the cycle goes on and aug'08 was the 1st full year, and march'09 got my 2nd bonus. now aug'09 is my 2nd year and v soon in march'10, i will get my 3rd bonus..
day by day, day by day, day by day and day by day..... it's really scary how time is whizzing by now........
many a times, esp on those super-low days, i will tot to myself, will i be better off elsewhere? will i be happier doing something else?
read thru some of the old posts and the painful experiences of seeking for a job came back to me.. i dont wanna go thru tt process again.. and i dont wanna start frm point 0 again. but yet, i know i shouldnt stay in this line for too long. not tt there's anything wrong with this job, but juz tt the longer i stay in this line, the tougher it'll be to get out of it.
unless of cuz, i get promoted and the job scope gets different. but then again, im not expecting a promotion anytime soon. if one were to come, i will anticipate it to be after the 3rd year..
anyway, given the situation now, the best move will be to wait. it wouldnt be too long b4 the next bonus comes and hopefully there'll be a good pay increment.
im juz glad im given stable income and have purchasing power. reading the past posts made me remember how poor i was b4. not tt im rich now, but at least i have the ability to buy wad i want, to eat wad i want, to go where i want.
now y am i always hearing the phrase tt 'studying is better than working'??? i dont know if my pt of view will change in the future, but at least for the past 2yrs and up to the point now, i will firmly say tt 'WORKING IS FAR FAR FAR BETTER THAN STUDYING'.
now y am i always hearing the phrase tt 'studying is better than working'??? i dont know if my pt of view will change in the future, but at least for the past 2yrs and up to the point now, i will firmly say tt 'WORKING IS FAR FAR FAR BETTER THAN STUDYING'.
Monday, August 10, 2009
KL Day 1
am back frm KL! short but great trip. would have been better if we could juz stay one more nite... too bad..
headed to kranji after work on fri. according to my passport, the last time i visited JB was in june2007. i tell u, the msia custom had a 360degree change!!! it totally underwent a transformation. in the past it was this old and super lok-cock custom with only fans working and u can sweat like hell in there while u wait forever b4 it's ur turn to get ur passport stamped. but now, it's totally different! huge, airconditioned, brand-new. comparable if not better than sg's. the outlook is great too, like a mini version of the olympic birdnest in BJ. and it directly links you to the city sq shopping mall. it's juz plain awesome.
headed to kranji after work on fri. according to my passport, the last time i visited JB was in june2007. i tell u, the msia custom had a 360degree change!!! it totally underwent a transformation. in the past it was this old and super lok-cock custom with only fans working and u can sweat like hell in there while u wait forever b4 it's ur turn to get ur passport stamped. but now, it's totally different! huge, airconditioned, brand-new. comparable if not better than sg's. the outlook is great too, like a mini version of the olympic birdnest in BJ. and it directly links you to the city sq shopping mall. it's juz plain awesome.
took us very very long from woodland custom to JB custom cuz there were sooo sooo soooo soooo many pple. real chaotic. pple queuing everywhere, buses squeezing and horning like nobody's business......
finally reached JB at abt 9pm+. had dinner at this jap restaurant in city sq..

the railway station is juz across city sq. can link over from one of the exits in city sq. old station...

now all excited to board the train! train arrived at 11.10pm.

real disappointed huh..... the 1st class rooms are super hi-class and totally different frm wad we got...*

the pics are a little deceiving cuz in real, the room is rather old and not as bright coloured as it seemed on the pics.
haha.. actually im fine with the room la. though old, but it's small n cosy. of cuz, the one we should get originally will be much better, but tis room also not tt bad lor. in fact, i dont even mind juz getting a seat. it's much much cheaper than getting a room. think a seat cost only $20+ .. but of cux, u have to bear sitting there for 6hrs and no proper place to wash-up cuz the toilet is really small and u wouldnt want to stay in there for a min longer than u need.

so in fact, im quite happy.
except for the fact tt we gotta use the shared toilet.........

we were also given cakes and mineral water. lucky we also ta-bao some doughnuts along :)

*the unfortunate thing was, on the return trip, the same thing happened. again, we were not given the room we originally booked, but was down-graded. they will refund the difference to my credit card (in a months' time!) and im exposed to exchange rate risks and i bet the refund, after converting, will be less than the original amount. real shit.. y are we being penalised for something tt is of no fault of us??! angry!
*anyway, reached KL early in the morning like 6am+? settled the refund thingie with the officers there b4 we took a cab to our hotel. could only chk in at 3pm, so we were to loiter after leaving our stuff with the concerige.
this is wad we call the 道道地地s....

headed to KLCC. hubb had always wanted to obtain the free tix to the top of the twin towers and he tot we could make it this time given how early we were.. but by the time we reached, the notice board was already up and saying the tix for the day were all given out. no chance.
KLCC's more of a hi-end shopping mall.. and many of the shops were not opened when we reached. took a rest (and a nap)in A&W...
we have plenty of time to spare and i finally relented to hubb's persuasion to visit the petroseins. basically it's somewad like our science centre with many exhibitions and stuff to explore. but the size of our sci centre is NOTHING as compared to the petrosiens. i cannot believe they can provide such a HUGE space in a shopping mall for exhibitions and explorations.

we have plenty of time to spare and i finally relented to hubb's persuasion to visit the petroseins. basically it's somewad like our science centre with many exhibitions and stuff to explore. but the size of our sci centre is NOTHING as compared to the petrosiens. i cannot believe they can provide such a HUGE space in a shopping mall for exhibitions and explorations.
we went in at 11am+ and exited at 4pm+ not cux we have finished all the exhibits but cuz we were too tired and hungry to go on! it's soooo huge in there that there's NO WAY u can explore everything in details in a day. no joke.
*some pics..................*

anybody can step onto the platform and take pics with these background. after tt, u can send them to ur email.. interesting rite?

the last one is supposed to be a post-card and u can juz print it out using the printer there and send it to ur email after that. all FOC. we printed a copy each :)
*hubb experiencing how a F1 driver is like...*

after the super long time we spent in there, we had lunch at a jap restaurant, again.
*seafood dinner which costed 93rm. cheap, but not tt nice though....
*more or less summed up day1. will continue with day2 another time.

after the super long time we spent in there, we had lunch at a jap restaurant, again.

*this meal costed 77.05rm. relatively cheap if compared to singapore..*
*me n my dunkin donuts. abt 2.30rm each. also tried out krispy kreme. slightly more ex, 2.50rm each. think dunking donuts nicer*



*more or less summed up day1. will continue with day2 another time.
after tt finally check in to hotel.. bath, rest a while and went out again at about 8pm. to petaling street (chinatown) for dinner n shopping. *lots n lots n lots of fake branded goods...

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