Wednesday, February 25, 2009

ThE CounTdOwn

15march is coming...
nearer and nearer to tt day... anytime now we'll be expecting the letters to arrive.
collegue's bet is this wk. my bet is next week. but then, juz got to recall tt last year it was 10march. so, the best bet will be the wk after next.
tt day alr announced tt this year, there'll be no promotions. and....... it was announced that the bottom 5% (of the whole division) in terms of performance will not get any bonus.
the whole division's abt 100 odd staff? so 5% will be like 5???
uh-oh ~
will i be the 'lucky' 5 ???
nahhh... i have faith in myself.
i know things will not be as good as wad it was last year.. but still im expecting something. pls dont disappoint me tooo much ~
i'm looking 4ward.

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