attended little clarissa's bday on 10aug. who's little clarissa? she's the baby gal of ian chow. and who's ian chow? ian chow's my boss @ the company which i always part-time at back during school days.
counting back, it's been 5 years since i've known ian? 1st part-time at the company after a'levels. after tt every now and then will go back to part-time.. all the way after grad from uni.
always been grateful to ian... always giving me many guidiances and advices in life, giving me rooms to explore, to do things as i deem fit, to do things @ my own pace..
i was one of the emcees on his wedding day. missed the full-month celebration of clarissa's due to sore eye, i still remb.. so this one-yr bday celebration, i definitely must attend. and, am glad tt ian sms me after tt to tell me how much the gal loves the present i got her. aside to ah hui, heheheh.. i'm still so proud of myself. to think tt u still say my present is boliaoz. i've got foresight man!! :)
here's little clarissa.. pretty, isint she?

that's ian and the precious little gal..

~the very yummy and beautiful cakie~
~happy family~
*and the piece of cake tt hubb insisted on eating. he said will bring him A in his exams. lol~
wanted to take pic with clarissa.. but the little gal's a little shy.. so no chance. also difficult to take pics cuz she kept moving.. lucky still managed to capture a few. yepps~
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