been a long time since we went out so early on sat.. usu we will go out ard 4+ 5pm.. cuz hubb has tuition in the morning and by the time he reaches my hse, alr abt 1+... then we will catch the zhong yi da ge da.. and by the time i bath and get ready.. already abt 4+ le...
this sat did not watch the zhong yi da ge da.. juz now forgotten to catch the repeat as well.. now then remember.. argh...~
anyway, ytd we went out abt 2+ 3pm? went to eat botak jones at depot rd. long heard abt this botak jones from ah yan back in uni days but neber really paid attention to it till tt day when i took a bus and passed this signboard at a ulu coffee shop did i realise there's a botak jones near my place too! and so.. we went try it out ytd..

*yep, cheap and good. but i felt abit cheated over my fish and chips. apparently it's a set tt ive ordered.. so besides the main course, i can choose 2 other side dishes. and so, i chose the pasta sald and the corn. but when the food arrived, i realised there's no fries. and so i asked the lady how come no fries and apparently, fries is considered as 1 of the side dishes, which meant tt the corn or the pasta had 'over-ride' my fries. i mean it doesnt quite make sense lor. fish and chips is one course by itself, how can the fries become a side dish?! u get wad i mean? on top of the fish and chips, i should get 2 more sides... but instead.. i only got a fish + 2 more sides.. no more chips.. ironic huh? anyway... the servings are big. also gd tt no fries for me cuz we cant even finish the fries tt comes with hubb's meal.
after tt we headed to chinatown to enquire on some stuff.. then came evening time when we headed down to esplanade to catch the fireworks. ate dinner at gelare... i don know y, but recently i have a mad craving for sweet food.. shit.. i'm getting worried.. at the rate im eating sweet stuff... it's not gonna be a gd thing at all.
*by the time we reached esplanade.. it was 7pm+.. chopped a place for ourselves and waited.... din know wad time the fireworks will start, but we expected 8pm. then suddenly it occured to me tt the day b4, when i heard the fireworks from home, it was abt 9+pm. fri i had ot, and by the time i reached home, it was abt 9pm le. i was on the sofa watching olympics when the sound started. hence, if the timing is the same for both days, then most prob it'll only start after 9pm.
and i was right.. the fireworks started at abt 9.05pm. we stood there from 7pm+ till the fireworks start. and it was drizzling. no choice, but to place plastic bags on the seats so tt at least we can sit down and wait. it really was a lonng wait.
finally came the fireworks which lasted for abt 15mins.

* don know when it all started.. but every now and then, we seemed to have these kind of fireworks celebrations. v spectular and beautiful. especially so cux we were at a strategic position (so all the waiting and aching did pay off huh?). the fireworks were right in front of us.. so close till there's this false impression tt the sparks will land on us. no time for wahh-ing.. cuz too breath-taking already.
*but then.. i still cannot figure out why such events are being organised more and more frequntly. beautiful as they might, but i wonder how much money are being spent and how much economic sense they made. the amount of manpower... the amount of resources.. juz for a few minutes of breath-taking moments.. is it all worth it? the people enjoyed it.. no doubt.. but.. i sincerely believe tt the people will enjoy it more if the money spent can be used to enhance the gst offset package or to provide more rebates for the citizens. afterall, it's concrete money tt will make our lives easier, not tt few minutes of momentarily beauty, rite? okay, say im pragmatic and money-faced.. but really... all that 人力物力 for 刹那光辉 is really 不值得...
beijing olympics ended beautifully. the 'bird-nest' is really impressive and majestic. sooooo huge.. i think can become the nxt tourist attraction liao. wonder how much time and money are spent in organising the olympics. again, is it all worth it? y are the countries fighting to organise the olympics? okay, can flourish the nation's name and bring in revenues.. but, will the revenues > costs? mmm..
4 years later, it'l be in london. i'll be 27years old then. omg. hopefully 4 years later my blog is still around...then can come back and read this post. but maybe by then, something more impressive than internet will be introduced and no one will use internet anymore.. haha. anyway, let's remb some impt things abt 2008 olympics. 1) held in beijing, a nation so close to us.. 2)our silver medal by lee jia wei, feng tian wei and guo yue gu - in 48 years.. 3) michael phelps.. the american's hero.. 4) liu xiang - last min backing out... 5) guo jing jing - whos gonna marry hk rich man after her last participation in the olympics.. 6) zhang yi ning.. - my new idol... she's soooo cool! 7) li ching and steve hooker..the 2 players whom i happened to watch them play. former is hk's table tennis player, latter is australia's pole vault participant who came in 1st and broke world records.. 8) came across the word 'decathlon'.. think it's a combination of sports.. will chk out the dictionary later. yepp.. 8 items.. juz nice.. to meet the 8/8/2008. lol~
tdy's 3rd driving lessons. no horning, but car still stalled a few times. hehe.. not too bad liao lar horr? will continue to jiayou de. :)