May my blog continues to grow strong!
Yesterday was the annual grave-sweeping day. yep, apparently, in a year, there will be 2 occasions when my ma will be super busy. one is new year, and the other will be qing ming. 7th month used to be quite a hoo-haa also, but now not so already. other than tt, the rest of the chinese festivals like nothing much le.
The offerings
After praying, we will always stop at this little coffeeshop to rest and to makan the offerings tt we brought with us. and i took this chance to take a few pics. haha..
The brothers, expressions quite in' sync huh ~My sis's gonna kill me for posting this pic and.. wad's my ma doing? so unglam!
I hate my bro for this! he's supposed to take me and the rest... but .. he only took my left eye and my hand! such an ass!!

The in-laws

The cousins. I loved this pic!
Something interesting to note. my sis is 5 years older than my tang jie. and my tang jie is 5 years older than me. interesting huh? opps... am i revealing their ages?? haha...

The Wu cousins!
And finally, dinner was at home. can expect a sumptuous meal. year by year, time really seemed to be faster and faster. i still remembered last year, bro-in-law came too and after grave sweeping, he drove me to tuition and tang jie to hospital to visit a fren, while he and sis went to buy stuff. abt dinner time, he drove us back home to have dinner. one year ago. ok, lemme see wad is significant this year. hmm... we took photos, it was a real hottt day, i wore a cap, and o, ma's finger was a little injured cuz of a smalllll accident. yep... ok, we shall see wad happen next year!
Disclaimer: This is grave-sweeping, not new year. appearance is super casual. and after half-day of sweating and being "smoked", pls do expect the persons who appeared in the pictures to be at least 50% better looking in real!
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