Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
TiaN Ahh....
Saturday, April 28, 2007
27th ApriL 2007

look at the bottom left potatoe croquette. hehe.. special? big piece and comes with 2 sauces for u to dip. only $1.90. same as most other sushi restaurants but this one bigger piece. hehe.. yummy!

after eating went took neos. haha...took 2 times. nice nice sweet sweet pics!!!

soooo sweeeet yeaa????
these pics very artistic yea? ah yan's idea. taken in a toilet using the mirror. we r caturing our images in the mirror. duh huh?? hahaha
finally went to this hk cafe in cine.. sat there and chatted till abt 12am. yea! lucky got late nite shopping else no more train by tt time le!

Wad we DranK

yepp.. had a funnn time. 1st time the 5 of us really went out tog. happy! hehehhe!!hope our frenship will last 4eva!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
OnE MoRe To Go!
alrite!! one more paper and one more day to go! hehe.. yesterday had my translation paper. real diaoo.. there were questions which were completely duplicated frm the test tt we had. the tutor ar.. lazy neber change questions! tt time after tt test, he gave us the ans sheet. so i have been looking at the ans sheet for the final exams! but cuz i never expected the questions to be exactly the same, i din really bother to rem wad i saw on the ans sheet. and ... yeah.. yesterday, for those questions, i still ans them in the same way as i ans for the test. after the paper, i heard some pple saying tt they will never forget how to ans the questions cuz tt time the tutor marked him wrong..... but then.. did the tutor returned us the test paper? no rite????? then how he know tt the tutor marked him wrong?? shit... did i miss out on anything?? bu hui ba?? diaoo... maybe the tutor wasnt lazy.. he purposely set in same questions to see who really paid attention to their mistakes and learn the right way. but, translation, there's no 100% rite or wrong de rite?? as long as the gist and the structure correct then can liao ma. no need word by word correct rite. but according to wad i overheard, the tutor seemed to be a strict marker. gosh... cannot afford to flunk this paper lei... if flunk then no more minor le leii!! don scare me... still wondering how tt guy know how the tutor marked for the test lei...
yesterday after the paper met up hubb and went eat dinner. ate the jp's crystal jade. they renovated.. but i prefer the previous one. last time it was bright inside.. now tt they renovated, becomes rather dark inside. think they trying to produce the "classy" feel. anyway, these were wad we ordered :
top left corner: sze-chuan dan dan mian
pls do not order this. usually at crystal jade, i will eat the mince meat la mian. but yesterday i ordered this dan dan la mian. cuz last time at taka, there's this food fare. then the dan dan mian they sell is yummy. tt's y i always tot tt dan dan mian is yummy. but this dan dan mian at crystal jade failed me. the 1st mouth was ok. but subsequently, argh. there was only noodle. nothing else. not even abit of meat or veggie or anything besides noodle. maybe except spring onions. and the taste was.... argh!the soup was thick and got this peanut smell. argh.. felt cheated.. haii..
top rite corner: chicken in shaoxing wine
i never like alcohol but hubb loves. this one is he ordered de. it looks gd, doesnt it? but... i don like the taste as well. maybe cuz of the wine. and.... the chicken's cold. literally cold lorr.. think is served cold de.. weird....
bottom left: deep-fried pork rib
ok.. this one is gd. and the pork rib v bigg pieces. ok la.. taste gd.
bottom right: xiao-long-bao in soup
hmm.. normal lorr.. juz xiao-long-bao.. nothing super special.
dessert was this souffle ball with red bean paste and banana. sounds yummy rite? but actually not so. and.. it's hot de lorr.. think they go fry the ball with the paste and banana inside. the skin tastes weird also. when i expected it to be hot, they served me cold stuff. when i expected cold dessert, they served it hot. (-_-''')
all in all, i din exactly enjoy the meal cuz the food not nice. boo.. disappointed! but.. hubb treated de. so i still enjoyed la! thanks hubb!
been eating and eating and eating. and with the taipei and hk trip.. sure whole day do nothing but eat, eat, and EAT!! ahh.. becoming fatso liao.. :(
ok.. juz one more day!! hippie! gotta be busy liao.. with the planning, purchasing and packing! hhaha... marketing got 4Ps... travelling got 3Ps! hahah.. yeah!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
HeAd PaiN
Monday, April 23, 2007
BuggEd By The sLeePy WoRmiE
Sunday, April 22, 2007
MisSiOn NoT DoNe

Us in the restaurant
After eating, we went vivocity cuz i got a 10 dollars haggen dazs voucher and there's an outlet in vivocity. the ice-cream at HD really kidda ex eh. i tot 10 dollars can get me something, but in the end, except for the single and double scoops, nothing else is below 10 bucks. how sad.. alot of choices to choose, and in the end, we settled for this ice-cream called "The Perfect Match". i wanted the brownie ice-cream de, but it's too common le la. so ordered this instead..
Ice-cream prata??
after tt went shop ard and went daiso.. bought many boliao stuff.. wasting money again.. haii..
Pls fragrant up my rm so i can have a sweet sweet sleep!
Yep.. and as usual.. took pics of ourselves every now and then..
haii... supposed to study de.. instead did so many nonsense thing and ended up not studying AT ALL. wad the hell are the 2 of us doing arrr???
Friday, April 20, 2007
24th JuLy 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
SuffeRinG FrOm PGS
primary sch sometimes seemed so far back. but sometimes, when u really go think abt it, there are many things which i can still remember clearly. suddenly pri sch seemed like juz yesterday. when ur in pri sch, u know u'll have to do well for PSLE so tt u can go into a gd sec sch. when ur in sec sch, u know u'll have to do well in order to go to a jc. and when ur in jc, u know tt u MUST do well in order to reach the final destination - university, or else, u'll be worse than a diploma holder. and now... i've reached my so-called 'final destination'. in fact, im leaving my final destination soon. i don know where else to go liao. all the while, i know where im heading... pri sch, sec sch, jc, then uni. but now.. im lost. wad's next?
the next step is to step into the REAL world. i don knoe if im being pessimistic or im being influenced, but i know is this real world, no one is real to u. ironic huh? it is a very competitive world and pple are all scheming. if u want to succeed, u have to be schemeier. u have to be really careful, else kenna stab also don know. it's really scary.
but, wad do i really want? do i juz want a stable job, get a steady pay every month, be a xiao3 ren2 wu4 in the co, and work till i retire? or do i want to compete, climb the corporate ladder, and be someone hong1 hong1 lie4 lie4 in the co/industry? being the former is relaxing, not much pressure, not much responsibilites, and of cuz no one bothers to stab u, cuz u r only a xiao ren wu. equivalently, u'll earn little. stable, but little money. most prob for the rest of ur life, u'll be like most of the other singaporeans. juz a commoner. being the latter is challenging, pressurizing, and full of responsibilites. many pple will be watching u, and i guess u'll be involved in many politics. but then, u can earn alot. then u can possess the 5 Cs or maybe even excced the 5 Cs. how?? wad do WU HUIPING want? even WU HUIPING herself doesnt know.
whenever i go sch, i'll see the working class rushing to work. take bus, take train, squeeze... then lunch time, go makan, and if got time, go jalan a while. knockoff time, then gotta take bus, take train and squeeze again. day after day, years after years. is this wad i want? or rather, besides this, is there any other thing which i can choose frm?
i will be okay. everyone else can survive. i can survive too. ok.. im only suffering frm pgs.. once i recover, i will be okay. but.. when will i recover? ok, shall end off with a meaningful pic. the 1st time i wore a "square hat". taken when i was like.. 6 years old?? lol... 16 years ago!! pls scroll down ......
~Cute le baa?? haha ~
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
ReaL Cuiiiiiii

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
CanNoT WaiT

Monday, April 16, 2007
i realised for me, in ntu, whenever i thought tt i'll do well, i will not do as well as i expect. and whenever i tot im confirmed gone, i will do ok. diaooo... really lorr... for some modules, im quite confident and am expecting a gd grade, but ended up not. then when i tot i'll cfm do badly, it will turn out okay. haii.. don know wad's wrong man!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
FracTioNs vs NumBeRs
Saturday, April 14, 2007
I Can'T BeLiEvE iT
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Size Is ReLaTiVe
now..... compare them with their predecessors, the normal-sized ice-cream cone..
and now... compare to my hand.......
ok, they are really miniii..... im really quite surprised. din expect them to be so small. on tv also not tt small. 2 bites and they are gone. and i think these minis are not cheap either. anyway, size is really relative. there is no absolute big or small... only relatively big or small.. hahah... sounds v scientific, dont i ??
ok .. i know im darn boliao... i also don know wad am i doing.. exactly one more week and i'll be having 1st paper.. and yet.. im still slacking. yesterday i took out the textbk and tried reading already.. but somehow... i juz felt like sleeping... somehow, i juz cannot concentrate... somehow i juz cannot finish reading and i juz feel like SLEEPING/do other stuff !!!! omg.... i don know how to continue, or rather, how to even start this very last battle. somehow, my heart is not there anymore. anyway, only 1 core module. 4aus. die or not die, also wont be very much affected by this 4 aus le. and 308 only ge. both modules also 50% final exams, 50% coursework. unlikely to fail ba... haii.. i know this is very not proactive and very pessismistic.. but.. haiii... my heart is juz not there and i juz don wanna think.
today hubb came over. it was fine at 1st... but we ended up quarrelling. there seemed to be soo many problems. why?? maybe we r really incompatible.. we juz held different views in sooo many things.... i understand tt relationship is about compromising and giving in. but .... doesnt that change who i actually am? if im a person who is tempremental, then because i have to compromise and give in, i changed myself to be less tempremental... then that is not me anymore, right?? why should i surpress myself and hide the real me?? why cant i be me and i do wad i like?? why is it like tt ???? if he loves me, he should love my flaws and everything also rite?? if tt's true, then why do relationship still need giving in and compromising ??? i don get it.... i really don get it.....
Monday, April 9, 2007
Full MonTh !!

May my blog continues to grow strong!
Yesterday was the annual grave-sweeping day. yep, apparently, in a year, there will be 2 occasions when my ma will be super busy. one is new year, and the other will be qing ming. 7th month used to be quite a hoo-haa also, but now not so already. other than tt, the rest of the chinese festivals like nothing much le.
The offerings
After praying, we will always stop at this little coffeeshop to rest and to makan the offerings tt we brought with us. and i took this chance to take a few pics. haha..
The brothers, expressions quite in' sync huh ~My sis's gonna kill me for posting this pic and.. wad's my ma doing? so unglam!
I hate my bro for this! he's supposed to take me and the rest... but .. he only took my left eye and my hand! such an ass!!

The in-laws

The cousins. I loved this pic!
Something interesting to note. my sis is 5 years older than my tang jie. and my tang jie is 5 years older than me. interesting huh? opps... am i revealing their ages?? haha...

The Wu cousins!
And finally, dinner was at home. can expect a sumptuous meal. year by year, time really seemed to be faster and faster. i still remembered last year, bro-in-law came too and after grave sweeping, he drove me to tuition and tang jie to hospital to visit a fren, while he and sis went to buy stuff. abt dinner time, he drove us back home to have dinner. one year ago. ok, lemme see wad is significant this year. hmm... we took photos, it was a real hottt day, i wore a cap, and o, ma's finger was a little injured cuz of a smalllll accident. yep... ok, we shall see wad happen next year!
Disclaimer: This is grave-sweeping, not new year. appearance is super casual. and after half-day of sweating and being "smoked", pls do expect the persons who appeared in the pictures to be at least 50% better looking in real!
Sunday, April 8, 2007
A DaY aT EasT CoAsT