Time to continue our korea trip...!
Day 6 of our trip!!
Bf at the hotel
DIY bibimbap again! Yummx.
Photo-takings at the hotel lobby
Many hotels are still using these kind of revolving doors. So dangerous i feel... Not careful really can kenna kiamp quite badly one leh..
And the itin for the day! Actually cannot remember the names of these places liao. Lol
大鹏展翅!!! 飞啊!!
And then the place where we had lunch
Out of the so many meals, this really was the worse meal liao. Tofu soup meal, and totally no meat de. Vegetarian meal i will say. Haha.
And then to another 景点.....
Behind us was supposed to be a lake i think, but all frozen liaoz.
Ahhhh! Gained one more son! Kekekkee!
Yea. The whole tour grp, only these 3 kiddos. And many times, they will play together.
And then dinner.....
And the last activity for the day.... Skiing!!!
Skiing at nightime! Seriously!
At the ski attire rental shop where we had to rent the ski attire....
At the skiing place!!
It really wasnt easy for us to reach here. There were many eqmpt to take and the eqmpt were all v heavy. Then hubb and i had to carry 2 sets each, cuz the boys cannot carry mah. Then it was super cold.. The whole situation was really quite jialek back then!
The training was given by our tour guide. And this raythorous kept 呱呱叫... And kept throwing tantrum.... Said he doesnt know how to do la, very cold la, blah blah blah.
So, no choice, hubb had to cut short the session and brought him back indoor....
While rayous and i continued to play...
See, 标准的ski posture.
This ski thing...really super tiring.. Having to climb that small slope to eventually ski down was really very 吃力。。。。not easy to climb up at all!
I managed to do it a few times la. All thanks to my 平时的训练。wahahahaahhaha!
Lucky this rayous stayed with me. Asked him to take pics and videos. Hahaha
But this rayous later revealed that it was not his intention to stay behind with me. Rather, his daddy misunderstood him and tot he wanted to stay and play, so did not bring him back indoors. So he LL had to stay with me. Haha.
And then.. Honestly.. I think the best part of the day for the boys, was when they can finally eat cup noodles in the room at the end of the day.
See that shiok face???
These 2 boys really poor thing. They really did not enjoy the korean food at all!
They really had been surviving on these low nutritional food... And we must had looked like such lousy parents...
The guide sort of say us.. That we shld let them eat nutritional food... But how to explain to him that the boys do not like the korean food ne....?
Ya.. 清者自清 i suppose.